Is watering everyday such a bad move!? I DO!


Well-Known Member
Ive been watering my plants pretty much every day since they sprouted. Everytime the light turns on.
Is that realy bad?
Plants are like a month now and there fine. Im using root juice Biobizz only.
Tel me some quick answers!


Well-Known Member
Ive been watering my plants pretty much every day since they sprouted. Everytime the light turns on.
Is that realy bad?
Plants are like a month now and there fine. Im using root juice Biobizz only.
Tel me some quick answers!

i myself am always torn on this...i also watered every day...BUT BUT i watered very little and the pots were dry every day....this was my first grow....the second one i have been watering only every 3-4days and to be honest i have yet to be able to tell a difference.....SO idk whats good or not...i just let the plant tell me what she wants...its been working



Well-Known Member
its good to water the plant often as it gets a fresh supply of co2 from the water. But only water when its dried out almost completely.
have fun


Well-Known Member
Lol i understand, how much water do you give them very 3/4 days?
say (litres).
i never really measured...sorry

just water untill you see it run a bit out of the bottom...BUT when soil gets really dry the water will tend to come out fast without absorbing...if you notice this then your pots are too dry between get it back water slowly for an hour or more with small amounts to get the soil back hydrated



Well-Known Member
Fanks lads. I just water lightly every day sometimes every 2 days if it takes longer to dry.


Well-Known Member
its good to water the plant often as it gets a fresh supply of co2 from the water. But only water when its dried out almost completely.
have fun
your plant does not uptake CO2 through your roots. your roots breath O2 hence why you want oxygen into your hydo water. the leaves of the plant however do uptake CO2. As far as watering every day I would "NOT" watering every day will make your roots lazy and or starve them there is a small window of time when your plants are thirsty to when they start to suffer from lack of water everytime they feel this way they will suffer some kind of stress and when your plant is stressed then It wont grow as fast as it could. this will affect your root structure and growth rate of your plant. Sure watering every day will keep youir plant alive.... but will it reach its full potential? that is up to you and I guess that if you never did it right than you would never know, In conclusion you can do whatever you want but I would water my plants thouroughly and let it dry


Well-Known Member
The plants will tell u buddy... I myself water when the plants ask for it, it varies from plant to plant, really... i may water only one plant at a time cos that wud be drier than the others with droppy leaves... i love to watch them recover after i've watered them... they almost grow instantly :)

U can almost hear the plants say " I'm Loving it" :)


Well-Known Member
Watering every day is one of the worst things you can do. Promotes root rot, mold, fungus, fungus gnats, and on and on.

It's fine if you are late in flowering and runs dry so fast it has to be watered every day but other than that, you should only water when the plant asks for it. (actually dry pot)


Well-Known Member
really depends on the soil mix you're using. how big your pot is, and what strain you are growing. In november i harvested a crop of thai lights. I veged them for four weeks befor transplanting to 5 gallon pots. after which i continued to veg for 3 more weeks. Those plants had to be watered every single day. if i let them go for even two days without a drink they would wilt and sag pathetically, as if to cry out to me saying "we're thirsty daddy, please give us a drink".

right now im growing some og kush and it only gets watered every 4 to 6 days... never looks thirsty even when the ground is bone dry???

the point is watering only as often as YOUR PLANTS need it. no one here can tell you absolutely how to treat your plants. but if you listen.. your plants will tell you everything.


Well-Known Member
it also depends on the substrate, I dont know if any of you grow in coco but I do and it needs to be watered every day sometimes as it dries out very quickly. Watering every day is only bad if the soil is still moist and u keep watering not allowing the roots to search for water. Ive never had any problems, infact I can grow some nice plants (not wanting to brag).
have fun


Well-Known Member
im on my first grow now a white lady ts around 25cm tall (streatched) :( i was watering everyday small amounts but now 2-3 days a time and i had my light far away say around ---10 inches away from my plant now its 1 inch away