Is Wetting the Leafs Good for My baby Plant ?


Well-Known Member
I sprayed mine once in a while when they were little, didn't seem to hurt them but idk... I'd like to know the answer too :D.


Active Member
spraying the leaves of seedlings or plants in a veg state is fine. lots of growers even add nutes or micro nutes to make a foliar spray. If you are a new grower, spraying can give you peace of mind as well.... I know when I started growing I always wanted to be doing something with my plants.

Once your plants are on 12/12 and in flower I wouldnt spray because it may increase the chance of budrot or molds..... when your plants are in bloom you want the humidity to be rather low. but in veg, a little bit of humidity is a good thing.

hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
the water acts like tiny magnifying glasses too...some light systems will laser tiny holes everywhere if they at seemingly otherwise at an ideal height

it's just god awful


Well-Known Member
I foliage fed my plants while they were developing their roots. I also sprayed them during the veggie stage but I made sure they were not close to the lights


New Member
i tryed foilage spraying just water found my girls actually liked it alot did it lights off of course


Active Member
i spray clones once a day with straight water, i spray veg with a dutch master saturater and liquid light with lights on twice a week, i spray flowering only into the forth week with same spray as veg.
I think it works great. in veg way more ive seen issues with my plants such as cal/mag and i spray them and the issue almost disappears over night. but thats just my experience and im still new to this.