Is Your Family Pro or Against The Green


Well-Known Member
My mother doesn't mind it.. but she is more against it. My real father (who i haven't met) i heard is a stoner... My older brother is a stoner and my younger brother only smoked it once.
My 2 younger sisters smoke all the time.. and they are 13-14.

I myself partake a few times a month. Im not a stoner but i do love this magical herb.


My parents are too old school to be cool with anything let alone weed. I still to this day dont think they know i have smoked everyday since gr 11. I should get high and ask them one of these days.
Remember when mom caught me?! INTERVENTION followed by 3 sessions as the nearest drug rehab center... how rough..


Well-Known Member
My mom is against but at one time said, "If it gets legalized I might have to try it on my 70th birthday."

Sigh, here's hoping.


Well-Known Member
ita all depends but not to be vage its about an 60/40 split I think everyone can relate everyone have those religous nuts


Well-Known Member
i smoke with my dad everyday. and my mum dosent really like it. but she has started to change her opinion on it though and many other drugs becuase of what i have showed her and told her about all the bullshit lies. ive got my mum to watch loadsa documentaries with me. so i think shes starting to be fine with it. dont hink she would smoke it though, only for medical reasons if she had to.

just me and my dad blazing everyday :D
he does nick my stash all the time though :(

my mums half is english which dont really agree with it. other than my mum that has started to come to terms.
my dads side, turkish all fine with it and alot smoke it :D


Well-Known Member
Half and half. I have 5 sisters. 2 smoke, one doesn't but is cool and two are against it. I am almost 60 so as you might imagine my parents were against it. Mom is gone now, but I learned recently that one sibling gave her a doob about every night the last 2 yrs of her life, about 30 years ago lol.
One sister and myself are legal to grow.