ISIS to Obama: We’ll Behead You and Make America Muslim

Now we've done it, but seriously why the fuck wasn't that protocol on the first passenger flights after the very first hijacking ever? Even common sense could of stopped the first one.

And now with bullet proof materials and virtually unbreakable locks, the pilot/co-pilot don't even really need a firearm unless they want to shoot eachother.

They should both be armed, like in the missile silos. They should be ready to shoot each other.
That's how you build in layers of safety.

But, it proves a simple fact. The Govt is not in charge. When we the flying public demanded it though our representation is only when anything happens in self rule.
coordinated hijacking.

We are all missing the point. They still cannot fly them. Even in a flight simulator, try to hit a building in a 767. Go ahead. The fact that they got two into the worlds tallest tower, has to be weighed by the fact they almost missed the Pentagon completely. And they had to have real training to be able to even try it. He almost augered in too soon. And the one aimed at the capital was taken down by US citizens, being their own sovereign selves. Not combat vets, just us assholes.

The same with the shoe and the underwear bombers.

WE let it be lax when they were just doing ransoms and murdering jews, etc. But, if they will use them as weapons, we have to lock the doors to the cockpit.

Israel just wised up sooner, but for obvious reasons. We can't blame the govt, for anything. The govt is us.
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There we go. Obama in the National Prayer Breakfast, just said, "ISIL is not Islam. In fact, ISIL disgraces Islam."

Then he went on to say that Doer is right about he doesn't hate anyone....but the mic cut out with static, for a second, at that point.
Doer has no hate. The bombing begins in five minutes. Tell Mr. Putin, he can have that after I am elected again.

Hey@! WTF?? Is this mic on??!!
Is that some kinda code for "the Empire State Building is next?"

I knew you were a Jihadi...

If you can hit the ESB? Lower and more narrow by far. And you can't collapse the queen of the skyline. It IS steel frame.
Is that some kinda code for "the Empire State Building is next?"

I knew you were a Jihadi...




Here is one you remember. Half the people killed were fire fighters.

A ball player taking a lesson in his Cirus, 2006, the Belaire Building.

I play this game called Battlefield sometimes. All on-line. I can stand out in a field with my rocket launcher, and I nail those flyboys. Or even when they run out of ammo, they turn around and try to crash into me. I just stand and watch.

It is almost impossible to crash into an aimed at spot on the ground unless you really know what you are doing, in a winged airplane.
Did I mention Obama? Do you need some ADHD medicine?

Yes, you did........
Funny you say we don't bomb innocents, I read an article in the newspaper a few days ago that we killed estimated 50 civilians to get 2 terrorists.

Your head must be up the conservative ass.
That would have been on Obama's orders. Ergo..Obama is a conservative ass. Your lack of understanding of your own statements is amazing.
Yes, you did........

That would have been on Obama's orders. Ergo..Obama is a conservative ass. Your lack of understanding of your own statements is amazing.

Lol, he personally pulls the trigger on every single thing this nation does. The only reason you are here is because Obama made you.