Iso hash instructions


Active Member
**I have personally tried this numerous times with excellent results.. it has always worked for me without any probs. The end result for me each time I have made this type of hash has been excellent and mind-boggling!**

Follow these steps in order to make your very own potent stash of ISO Hash.

Step 1: Take all of your trimmed leafy material and crystally non-stem material that you have trimmed from buds you have harvested and or smoked.

Step 2: Put all that material (greenery) into a mason jar (about 1/2 full) and put into freezer over night to freeze.
(Be sure to use 91% ISO Alcohol. You can get it from Cosco's; Walmart; or Walgreens)

Step 3: Pour ISO into jar until greenery is well covered (about 3/4 full). Shake jar vigorously for about 30-60 seconds.

Step 4: Now strain the liquid using coffee filters into a pyrex pan.

Step 5: Now for the last step.. Let the ISO evaporate for about two or three days; then...using a sharp razor blade.. start scraping off the dried material (hash).. and enjoy!!!


Active Member
Thank you for posting and +rep. Forgive my ignorance, but how is this used? Is this the same as the oil that you put under your tongue? :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
roll it into little balls and put it into blunts. works great for me. if u really wana get baked smoke it thru a gravity bong or waterfall. fucking amazing!


Well-Known Member
I love iso..............
I don't freeze it as it's not really doing anything unless yer doing a cold water extraction.
I use 120 silkscreen cuz coffee filters suck for a variety of reasons.
Uhm.........curing the trim helps with flavor,don't break the trim up too fine cuz too much veg material will get through the screen.
Never use heat to evap the iso,breaks down yer product.(basic chemistry)
Should be doing a run tonight if the stores got the iso on shelf,I'll take some pics and show ya how I do it.


Active Member
freezing it causes the 8% water in the alcohol to cause pressure and pushes the liquified thc out of the soaked material. It ads bulk and weight to your hash!!