iso hash


Well-Known Member
so it seems the average yeild for iso hash is about 10% for foliage. so is it safe to assume i would get a little closer to 15% for bud? mid grade bud


Active Member
I don't know weights but my yields suck. I made with dry nugs and I wonder how much of the thc got absorbed into the nugs along with the alcohol. Next time I'll try with fresh nugs and see if it goes better. It is really good though and much better than smoking nugs.


Active Member
By that I mean it wasn't as much as I was expecting. I say if you get 10% you are doing very well. :razz:


Well-Known Member
the batch i just did gave me a 3% return, but it turned into more of a sludgy oil rather than a more solid hash. its strong as fuck tho. so im not sure yet whether or not i should be satisfied...


Well-Known Member
yes it is, but more of a sticky sludgeball rather than an oil. i was goin for more quantity rather than quality, hence the reason why im not as satisfied as id like to be...(but it is pretty damn good...)