Israel's cost to the American people estimated to be a staggering $2 trillion


Well-Known Member
you have 17 posts, and they are all anti-israel related spam.

tell me, how well does alex jones pay you to spam our boards?
So I guess the Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, is anti Israel too since he recently said he wants the US out of Israel.
"You don't need to do nation building in Israel we are already built."
"You don't need to export democracy to Israel we've already got it."
"You don't need to send American troops to Israel, we defend ourselves."


Well-Known Member
Can anybody find where "foreign aid" is authorized in the United States Constitution?
can you find me where it allows me to have thoughts of pink elephants?

this game is a tiresome one, and i don't have my pocket copy with me.


Well-Known Member
so there are actually people who get paid to go and spam on places? i thought it was just programs that did that. are they like the crackwhores of the internet?


Well-Known Member
so there are actually people who get paid to go and spam on places? i thought it was just programs that did that. are they like the crackwhores of the internet?
Spamming internet and email is a trillion dollar business. You didn't know?
so there are actually people who get paid to go and spam on places? i thought it was just programs that did that. are they like the crackwhores of the internet?
I just wish that someone would tell whoever it is that's supposed to be paying me to send a check because someone apparently forgot to tell them and I need to eat.


Well-Known Member
We installed the Saudi Regime, The City of London, Bildergurgers, Who control Europe and the USA installed the Saudi Regime. Along with the Shah of Iran and many others. IF a leader doesnt dance to their tune they get Gadafied or brain cancer or a sudden heart attack. These are the real owners, your masters. They founded Israel also. That is their baby.

Haha more like you keep playing the anti-Semitic card. I don't just criticize Israel I also criticize the corrupt Saudi Regime and also the disgusting acts of suicide bombing.


Well-Known Member
Wow, only person throwing out racial/religious diatribes is the Jewish guy...

I guess that's ok tho, cos if I say anything I'm anti-Semitic or a racist, but you call Muslims swines and talk about wiping them out. It's ok tho cos you're Jewish so we should look the other way and let you do to the Palestenians what the Nazis did to you's?

Get a brain man, the world isn't the same place anymore, your country's activities are disgusting to most of the world and I hope someday you lose US financing, see how well you do without their armaments. And no I don't think the US panders to Israel, it's the other way around cos Israel is the US vassal/pansy state in the Middle East.
I dunno man, All of congress practically got on their Knees and blew Netanyahu when he came to town. That says something. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
I think the reason they did is because they respect a real leader unlike the one we have now. I'm not saying anything other than what I'm saying lol.


Well-Known Member
Not that I agree with everything he does. It's just we have had such weak leaders the last few. Obama has been on this apologize for America kick and imo that turned a lot off people off.


Well-Known Member
If your idea of a "strong leader" is someone who makes further enemies of their friends/allies with "reckless acts" then you must be crazy.

A truely strong leader would push for peace in the region, not further agitation and "reckless acts".


Well-Known Member
You guys do realize that the reason we the united states pay this money is so we have a foothold in the mideast right? You also seem to forget the countless trillions we have spent on Africa and their aids epidemic. I would love to see Israel free of American influence but you realize then there would be no stopping Israel from protecting itself right. I hear all this heart bleeding for the "oppressed" people but you do realize that if the us was not there to stop it, as you all claim to want so badly, that at the first rocket attack Israel will roll in and wipe them out. I don't understand how you can want both and consider your point valid. As for israels leadership they have blood on their hands as well as all other leaders. Does this make them evil? How about the aid they send to palestine? Or is that one of those inconvienient facts you just brush away as zionist lies? I am appalled by the blatant misinformation a few of you continue to try to pass off as truth. Shame on you for either being so ignorant to facts or so brainwashed by your crazy conspiracy theory floating heads.


Well-Known Member
You guys do realize that the reason we the united states pay this money is so we have a foothold in the mideast right? You also seem to forget the countless trillions we have spent on Africa and their aids epidemic. I would love to see Israel free of American influence but you realize then there would be no stopping Israel from protecting itself right. I hear all this heart bleeding for the "oppressed" people but you do realize that if the us was not there to stop it, as you all claim to want so badly, that at the first rocket attack Israel will roll in and wipe them out. I don't understand how you can want both and consider your point valid. As for israels leadership they have blood on their hands as well as all other leaders. Does this make them evil? How about the aid they send to palestine? Or is that one of those inconvienient facts you just brush away as zionist lies? I am appalled by the blatant misinformation a few of you continue to try to pass off as truth. Shame on you for either being so ignorant to facts or so brainwashed by your crazy conspiracy theory floating heads.
A foothold? Let's see, right now we have Turkey, Israel, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan.

We don't support Israel for that reason, although that is what our government would be happy to claim. The truth is Jews support it, and the Evangelicals and Born-Again Christians support Israel because of this complete spin on Genesis 12:3: "He who blesses Israel will be blessed and he who curses Israel will be cursed."

Those are such massive voting groups that our leaders are pandering to it for votes.