issue with my youngins.


Active Member
cut clones before I started flowering and rooted them in grodan cube things. they are about 6 weeks from cutting and have been in solo cups and soil for about a month. I have noticed a fine white mold growing on top of the soil and I am wondering if that is normal when using the grodan cubes? the plants themselves look wonderful, so I'm not freaking out or anything, just wondering if I need to do something for em or let it go away its self.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
Alot of soil nowadays has many types of mycorrhizae that helps the roots. Its very fine and is white mold. I encourage this growth in my pots because it creates millions of surfaces that the roots explore and cover therefore making uptake of nutes and water better, The best root systems Ive ever had were covered with white mold (mycorrhizae)