Issue with seeslings very droopy whats wrong


New Member
Hi everything was goimg great untill a few days ago they went from good to 3 hours later drooped right over i have watered them. Next day transplanted hoping to help And still nothing can anyone help. 20210208_231007.jpg20210208_231007.jpg20210208_231614.jpg20210208_232228.jpg20210203_233228.jpg


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Mine usually droop when I give them extra water. Let them dry out completely before watering again. In my limited experience whenever you think they look like they're thirsty wait at least one more day then water.
I agree with the others, looks like overwatering. I'm a little confused on your verbiage about transplanting tho.

Did you transplant from solo cups to the pot before or after you noticed them looking sad? I'm sorry if It went over my head lol. I'm at work on break and busy with my head all over the place.
I agree with the others, looks like overwatering. I'm a little confused on your verbiage about transplanting tho.

Did you transplant from solo cups to the pot before or after you noticed them looking sad? I'm sorry if It went over my head lol. I'm at work on break and busy with my head all over the place.
Afterwards, ive experienced droopy in the past due to root bound but nothing like this as well as they do look a little happier this evening it was time to transplant anyways i was going to do it this morning and did it last night in hopes to help them.


  • received_338151557393901.jpeg
    758.8 KB · Views: 2
She's fine...leaves are a bit heavy due to lack of transportation. Let it dry out a little and give her some air.
I let solos dry out before watering usually every 2 days they need water again. I will tey to let the 1 gallon dry a little longer they are looking a littler happier this evening could low humidity be a issue i usually have a humidifier going which was unable to be done due to space this time around. My normal spot to start is drying last run atm.
Over watering is a frequency issue. You are watering too often. The roots can't get oxygen due to being water logged.

Let them dry out and regain life.
Every cell and fibre needs oxygen to live/grow/thrive, when you water to frequently your suffocating the plant in a sense.
Every cell and fibre needs oxygen to live/grow/thrive, when you water to frequently your suffocating the plant in a sense.
They y were much happier again this morning containers are dry this is usually where i would water them how much dryer would you suggest to before watering received_726496418038532.jpeg20210210_094445.jpg20210210_094451.jpg20210210_094500.jpg
I'm not a soil grower but I,d go by the weight of pot, watch for the soil starting to shrink/crack a little (maybe to extreme) the amount of water used is dictated by your environment there's no set amount or frequency.

How much water did you give it how long ago?
What are your temps at the canopy?
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I'm not a soil grower but I,d go by the weight of pot, watch for the soil starting to shrink/crack a little (maybe to extreme) the amount of water used is dictated by your environment there's no set amount or frequency.

How much water did you give it how long ago?
What are your temps at the canopy?

40% humidity canopy sits rpugly 35 cel i usually go off weightz and looks of tops was now 3 days since watering last they took 750-1000ml each to gove run off i only water ever untill i see run off not my first run with these plants but first ive experienced this for so long they seem to be back up and very happy again.