issues during flowering


Active Member
Hey guys please give me some help quick!!!

These are 2 sensi star's that are in week 4 of flowering, they have been given the fox farm nutes exactly to schedule. They were the healthiest looking plants now all of the sudden the leaves are getting yellow which i know is normal. But the upper leaves are turning a very light green which i don't think is normal and getting brown spots on them. I flushed them today with distilled water but I don't know if it's too little nutes or too much. PH seems to be perfect as I used fox farm ocean forest soil the ph is right around 6.0.


400 hortilux hps
ocean forest soil
week 5 actually day 34 of 12/12
temps are 77- 69
light is 8" from canopy, back of hand test is normal.

I don't know what to do!!! is this a deficiency???? if so which kind?



Well-Known Member
Rapid yellowing is often an indicator that the plant is moving nitrogen from older leaves to where it needs it. The marks may well be a phosphorous deficiency, but I believe the fertilizer you're using is a complete mix, but I can't say for sure because it's not one I use. So, if you're using a complete fertilizer, then I'd want to know if the plant is having an issue using those nutrients. Does the FF fertilizer use live microbes (mycorrhizae)? If not, try one of their Happy Frog ferts (I'm currently using their Japanese maple formula, it's for acid-loving plants) or Dr. Earth for a quick dose of microbes. You can make a decent tea out of either, but beware--HF Japanese maple uses bone meal, and even the smallest amount of bone meal made into a tea STINKS LIKE GACK. I am not kidding about the smell. I just top-dressed my girls with it, although we're a bit further along into flowering, by a week or so I think.


Well-Known Member
I think your ph should be higher in soil-like 6.5-6.8-double check that and whatever seamaiden said-he is usually on the money


Active Member
well i know the ferts are complete and they do use live microbes. I will double check the ph and maybe give them a low does of phosphorus and see if they respond. I'll keep you guys updated thanks seamaiden and smokey!

any other thoughts are welcome these ladies are so lovely I don't want to hurt them!!!


Well-Known Member
In that case, ignore them. The plants that have done the best for me are the ones I decided I was going to let die. And then they ended up looking BETTER at the end than when they started.


Well-Known Member
Ouch.. you should remove all the dead and dry vegetation as quickly as possible, it looks like it might be spreading to your Buds, but im not sure.


New Member
It got worse cuz you flushed an already deficient plant. Grow Big is not the answer. Extra nitrogen could very possibly delay maturation. Gotta get bloom formula.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
the brown spots are abnormal but the yellowing is all part of the flowering cycle. they look good too. Peace


Active Member
deff not looking normal at all yellowing is occuring wayy to fast and the yellowing is starting at the outside and moving in then once it's all yellow it drys up and curls upward until completely brown and crispy


New Member
Next time ween the girls off the grow formula a little later into the flower cycle. The dark spots are what happen in a nitrogen deficient leaf, nothing abnormal about it.


Active Member
guys i do appreciate the comments but does anyone have a clear strategy to go foward with? everyday the plants get worse and worse they started on 8/24 so i have 17 days until 60. Any precise plan on how to keep them alive until then? Please some mods i could really use your help!!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
They will live, there just flowering... yellowing is sign of N defeiceny because the nitrogene goes in the bud during flower.. its normal.


Active Member
If you have not been using nutrients for at least the past week, i would give them a good final flush. the buds look like they are heading south.. I would try to salvage what is left of the plant. I had a similar problem around week 6 with a small plant, it smoked fine with proper curing, your leaves are yellow which means they are already lacking nutrients, it should still be a good smoke.