issues lighting


Active Member
ok i have 6 plants that are under 2 25" flourescent tube. They are on day 17 of veg. I need to at least use that for month 1 of veg. So on the second month i need the second cheapest way to provide light to my plant im open to suggestions, and if u know how much its gonna cost at store and how much estimated it would add on to a lite bill. Also if any 1 is feeling nice any suggestions about flowering lighting (cheapest) thx for any help tree


Well-Known Member
Tape a bunch of flash lights together and hang them over the plants. This is what I do and it works great. J/K

I would go check out high tech garden supply if i was you. They have good lights and they are priced really cheap.


Active Member
If you really wanted to you could use floros for your entire plant life, but you aren't going to get as good as a yield. But you're going to probably need a lot of them to get enough light to your plants. We use some floros to help get light under the plants/sides/etc, we use full spectrum and warm.

Though you would be really better off seeing if you can find a cheaper HPS/MH. Memaw says you can get a 400watt for $125 with both bulbs.

Hi-Tech Garden Supply

Yeah, it's a good bit of money, but you'll get better results with it.

Though he did all of the light stuff, I didn't, so I don't know the formula for number of plants = however many watts/whatever, but I'm sure someone else here does. I just try to help where I can.

-Memaw's GF


Active Member
O shit i do have some big flashlights naaa. MeeMaw & Gf uve been alot of help thx ima check that out now. Heres my setup if your wondering. 6 plants in 6 6" pots in a dresser drawer. in a cardboard box no top. 2 rows of three bigger 1's in 1 row smaller in the other. small humidifier right next to box. oscillating fan on medium 10 ". cardboard box aligned with poly gift wrap its like rainbowy someone else had it in their grow box in this forum. 2 25" flourescent tubes 1 over each row their jammed against the poly-cardboard. The top i toss on 2 pieces of cardboard leaving 4" gap in between for air circulation and wind hitting plants. 3 of them are hitting 6-7 in. other 3 4-5 in. All look healthy. I named all of them (mostly for referance. Amy, Ashley, Christine, Jen, Amber, Jamie. thats my grow so far thx for all your help tree