Ist Totally Inside Grow Bag/Special/Sacred Seeds Seat of your pants equipment


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Trying to calibrate my technique to my equipment/conditions. Have 2 area's soon to be 3 --- 1st for Veggie - variable min 17 hrs max 20 hrs light-- right now using a 150W HPS to keep it warm and anywhere from 4 to 8 clamp lights w/ doublers for close to the plant veg growth (most are 5K) -- around 400 to 500 watts total -- constant bio-mass producing area -- feeds to the 2nd area which is a 2 foot x 6 foot x 6 foot high long flowering area where I have appox 10 to 12 mixed sex waiting just a little bit longer before I switch cycles. This area is powered by 1 - 400 HPS modified wing reflector and a host of CFL's for side and fill lighting (most are 2.7K) also off the end of this flowering area is a 2.5 x 2.5 foot which houses a 24 W LED panel 3:1 red to blue. This is just an experiment and scavenges light from the 400. The average wattage for the flowering room is around 850 Watts give or take. Instead of using a light mover I am the mover and rotate all plants daily. A third area will be set up soon as it appears that 1 good veg area can feed 2 flowering areas easily..:peace:


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Also the dates as recorded by my droid to the right are correct...I started them on 10/27 into those little plastic seed containers and they started popping on halloween so they are about 3 weeks from popping their little heads up...


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Girls just want to have fun (I hope) was nice enough to move outside ..well at least for a whole 40 minutes before some nasty looking clouds hastened me to retreat back veggies stayed outside for a couple of hours as they are much smaller and dont attract 2011-11-29_11-00-17_274.jpgas much attention...the two pictures are of the same plant outside then inside with the other kids...they all look happy here on day 20 to 25..2011-11-29_14-24-15_545.jpg


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Few more outside shots from this afternoons field trip for my plants -- showing the last plant to come up in this batch -- named "runt" also a few of his brothers and sisters circa 11-11-11 -- 10 to 12 are gettin ready to go 12/12 the other 10 or so will remain in the Veg room and will be intoduced into flower land as the males are culled from the ripening room -- in addition the main work room which is 6x4 will be fitted with another 400 switchable so that I can run 2 bloom rooms if need be -- if I can I am going to stretch the Veg cycle on as many as I can for as long as I can -- however with a 1 Gal pot getting rootbound and the plants starting to drink 1/2 gal every other day I am not worried about not having enough root structure to bring em home -- I use a 100% peralite bottom layer that really works wonders for root aeriation and can anyone tell I use stimulant growth hormones? ...Notice that shot of a leaf..that is my first attempt at cloning -- got the idea from this board -- Thanks!:eyesmoke:Last of the babies-in all it took over 2 weeks for all to germ.jpgView attachment 1911926The kids outside enjoying a rare sunny day.jpgGonna be a monster bush (hope it''s a girl LOL!).jpgIdea I got from this board --  A LEAF CLONE !! (5days).jpgAnother baby 11-11-11.jpgView attachment 1911931
Last one my Runt of the litter.jpg



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BTW as with other growers I would like to also share my "secret ingredients" some of which date back to the very first book on how to grow pot which I used to sleep with under my pillow..I am using a growth stimulant as I have estimated there will be very little left of any nute at harvest due to the enormous root system and fluid intake as per my planning with these babies...hopefully I can leech with rainwater/distilled water for an entire month before harvest...23 gallons of fresh rainwater and distilled per plant should be enough to clean out all the tons of nutes I pour into them ( I push to the max using .15X at birth to 1.25X at peak veg then when the lights go out ( I start with 8/9/10/11 then 12 hours dark in the course of a week mimic nature) ---- so GET READY FOR THE SWITCH -- everything I do as far as change I try and do on the 1st of the month for budget reasons.......


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DAY 26 - Well know I am learning to roll a joint! many here can roll just using their mouth as in no hands (I know someone that could do that) ..anyways did some serious leaf trimming to let light get at lower layers the picture here reflect that ..people talking about snipping the tops kinda half As sad so you get some kind of 8 headed bud thing going....dosent matter a healthy growing plant should be able to do that for you ... I am going for the multi layer canopy with no or few holes in the entire structure aided by a diverse crop of random pheotypes...thinking of building a SCREEN of green device after I snap this kids later this week ...I have enclosed a picture of my looks very weird almost human like...I will share that on the general freak page also ..cheers!


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view of both rooms.jpgrooting from a leaf day 6.jpgSome more shots before I put them to bed....yes the heavens pointed to the numbers and so it will be 14 stay with peter in never never land and with me up all night and we will call it DECEMBER 1st as our officAL 12/12 START --going to bed but heres what nighttime looked on DAY 26 before the lights went out sea o green w remote sensor.jpg
under the sea.jpg


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2011-12-01_17-22-05_997.jpg2011-12-01_17-21-28_914.jpg2011-12-01_17-21-44_844.jpg2011-12-01_17-21-34_454.jpgDAY 27 - Will insert pictures later I journaled this post what ever that means so my whole spiel is on that one basically whoever follows this journal will get the whole story with pictures -- plants look great first night of 12/12 which I decided to do with 10 of them -- any guess before the sex organs appear? totally random genetics -- I can have a contest who can guess the sex -- I have the advantage -- I say 7 out of 10 are female because I am optimistic --the photos above show the flowering room and veg room and they do look happy.....


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No biggie basically this place is for my notes organized into one place so this is good. Being paranoid as I am many times after 2 days of 12/12 I don't see results so of course when the moment was right I out em to bed an extra hour tonight just in case I have something here that won't trigger or trigger well with 12/12 I don't want to waste time was this run -- so 13D/11L may be the standard or could go to 13.5D/10.5L or 12.5D/11.5L just like to have the options open with a possible strain that may not be as 12/12 as some today was also a day of water of any kind to any plant and now I have the flower room all set up for a massive watering tomorrow on all pots -- you can feel the roots a growing in there -- cant wait for the flowering results sitting on the edge of my seat------more tomorrow----man it smells so good in those rooms....temp data mean day 77F 31% mean night 54F-56F 40% outside conditions 40F 99% light rain (outside monitoring can give you a leg up on potential issues down the road if you vent ) nite nite


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:fire:IT'S A GIRL!! - will post some higher quality shots later today as rotation time has come for this group -- but so far so good! - :weed:firstpuss.jpg


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PS don't know if it really made that much of a diff but I broke down and shot the night-time temp up 69 degrees (my favorite night time temp) --- I can feel the rush of a good ratio here -- males generally flower earlier (most varieties) so I may get way many girls -- also if you are familiar with how cannabis sexes and can change sex etc .. alot of that is environmentally influenced and as far as genetics goes many species of "hemp" Cannabis is predominantly dioecious, although many monoecious varieties have been described. Subdioecy (the occurrence of monoecious individuals and dioecious individuals within the same population) is widespread. Many populations have been described as sexually labile. Of course it was much better to have self-pollinating rag weed plants for making rope because the potential for abuse with a plant that naturally self pollinates is all but gone. If your old like me you may have even seen "hemp fields" that were packed inch by inch with tall plants twice the height of a normal man -- in fact I have stood in such a field and it really is something to behold


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Well it has been a while 11 days to be exact just didnt have much to report...however sure do now...13 days into 11 ON / 13 OFF got 4 MALE plaNT HARVESTED have 5 FEMALE plants all been final transplant into finishing buckets from 1 GAL to 3+ GAL ... did some microphotography and in the slides that follow you can see the beginnings of a mildew/mold problem that with the use of a microscope can "nip it in the bud" well.... but now running 400 HPS and 400 Halide togeather along with 200 to 300 W CFL fill in lights I took some pictures of 2 nice resin glands that were reflecting amber light saw a few cloudy ones also on the male plants..I would have loved to let them go a little father as I believe it may be some alright stuff for butter however these dudes were way to profific and vibrant and if you just turn your head for just a day ... their "little heads" will cume all over your girls in no time so my garden being kind of crowded they just had to real intesest in breeding stock as these were showing mostly sativa traits which is OK for the girls as I have the height for them to grow and who dosent like some "NON" couch lock smoke---- took 8 clones KUDOS for the aquarium Idea on this board .. I had a lot of them laying around....we wil into forcing the plants due to their growing size as the lights changed and to combat to mold issue.......toodles...Am I Yeller or am I blue.jpgFirst Mold Fibers 20X.jpgGee Looks OK to Me.jpgMale Plant 3 Days after harvest Resin Gland -amber-40X.jpgMetalHalideGirl.jpgClone Land.jpgClone Me Doctor Memory.jpgClosePussy.jpgDrop O moldy water 20X.jpg


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FIVE DAY LATER REPORT -- So far so good (I guess) for my first try at this it's going pretty well..the Male/Female ratio so far 8F/6M.....mold mildew issue...GONE (Kuddos to one of one of our knowledgeable growers here and ed rosenthal) I took my own advise and everyone elses (collectivley) decided to go 24/0 in the veg room..and go a LIttle Harder on the flowering with 10-ON 14-OFF also rasied the temps a few degrees at night (65-75) and a few more in the day (77-87) all paid off well ... the mold dont like that and my plants do..also as you can from the pictures I push it a bit with the miracle I know I got it right when I burn just a little bit and my little girls are drinking close to a gallon/ have a modified scream of green as I play forcing/training games with these girls....the clone tank is SO/SO still havent got that down so since 8 are flowering I am now having to back up my youngings with more youngings....may have to breed a couple of daddies princesses as I can no go 15 bucks per questionable seeds....enjoy the budding buds..OH PS actually out of the 5 males early reports of how this shit taistes/stoner effects are encouraging so we will be bringing the troops home for christmas as promised...Girls enjoying some light.jpgPC180168.jpgPC180153.jpgPC180162.jpgPC180166.jpgPC180167.jpg


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It's getting better all the time....broke down and vaped a tiny weenie bit of BUD ..not to shabby far so FAR OUT! Once again thanks for all the "inside" ideas..the latest one is shown in the latest group of pictures of (yes I can finally say it) ****MY GIRLS****--as the population changes we now have a home for "trained women" more or less:clap: .. a modified SCreen O Green is in the "occupy my flowering room" mode now..I can see the advantage however I have also seen (and grown myself) a pretty nice canopy both horozontal and vertical right here on these boards from what I can tell some folks have that lightning down to a fine art so that no matter what "tropic" level you are at GREAT BUD growth will occur...the best thing about RIU is that you have so many knowledable growers here that the time table for my grow has so far followed or exceeded maturity of most all the others..if all goes well as many have said Yield wil follow suit...this is week 7 total 19 days into 12/12 (10/14) So as not to take a chance I went a little bit on the "safe" side of darkness to assure triggering as my strains are sacred, I got these from a friend, and this has too be good varieties. The genectics are starting to show themselves...some of my sativa dominant plants are showing characterstic thin leaves, longer internodes, and longer flowering times, longer triggering times and they are taller. Some indica dominant plants are already in the "bud lead" even though they were started into flowering 5 days later, have stout short internodes, very wide leaves here are some shots


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Well as advertised, you could set your clock to it, you guys all told me here and at first I didn't believe it (very stubborn us old men) but on DAY 60 already the sea, the screen, and the effort (thanks many KUDOS to all here as I stole most everything from folks on this board) is paying off with results. Of course as many have said yield will follow common sence growing techniques so I will leave the end results Watt per Square Foot vs Dry weight will have to wait for another day, however the lessons learned from all those here are forever appriciated. So far the biggest diffrence I can see in what I knew was the right way and what was REALLY the right way is nutrients (of course assuming you have unlimited light) I took the advise of many here and went as much over kill on the Lumens as I could. Since I am doing SOG as well as SCROG as well as some other work the extra light comes in handy when you need some Veg growth in a hurry. Nothing beats 24/0 under a big halide and with enough fans you can really keep the plants close and promote fast growth. Havent tried the Veg Nutes yet (still stuck on "Old School" Rapid Grow for initial speed 23-19-17 ) BUT THE FIRST RESULTS WITH BAT GUANO AND WORM CASINGS ARE IMPRESSIVE! I have taken the liberty of including some mico-photographs showing the Resin Glands of "beheaded" damsels- I know they were young but couldn't help myself! I used 4 Hours and 48 Hours as two random time amounts to try a quick dry becasue I thought anyone willing to sacrafice a young virgin would want something quick so a few hours vs a couple of days seemed reasonable compared to the usual week or two or three it takes to properly dry marijuana. My impression of the results of using a quick dry proceedure haven't changed since the Mid 1970's when I first grew, it SUCKED THEN and still does..however now I have the blessing of a microscope and I could see what causes the taiste not to mention POTENCY big time decline, that is when you quick dry MJ you end up melting the newly formed Resin glands as the Microphotographs show resulting in a loss of over 75% in some cases. Basically the wonderful THC in the head "shoots it's wad" and evaporates into thin air leaving behind all that wonderful leaf material without any resin in it. As you can see in the pictures the resin is kind of a melted mass all over the surface (4 HRS) . At 48 hrs things inprove dramatically but the loss is still in the 50% area. In the next few days as more of the sea cums into port I will post some shots of some 1 and 2 week dried harvest. I am guessing that if you can manage to preserve 80% of your glands intact your doing OK..of course stretching it out for weeks or months is best..but few have the patience for that -- toodles for now---once again thanks a TON for all the help -- as my first totally inside flying by the seat of me pants grow with them sacred seeds starts to wind down. PS - did learn that CLONES are way more sensitive then little seedlings are they need much TLC in the begining to survive....toodlesCuttings used in microphotographs.jpgDamage (melting) Gland Structure after 24hrs quick dry.jpgGland Damage 48 HRS quick Dry.jpgLadies Peaking.jpgMelted Glands 4 HR DRY.jpgResin Glands BEFORE quick-dry 20X.jpgResin Glands BEFORE quick-dry 40X.jpg