it can happen that fast

because thats not as pure...

BHO is more pour by adding nasty chems to your weed? No, purity comes from how alone an element is.
Pure gold has no other metals, when the karat starts dropping it's cuz there are other things being mixed in.
So water and ice is more pure.
Thank you Snake I was thinkin I was alone in that opinion. Wasnt sure how iso and butane were more pure for my hash than ice and water
It's not smoking a cigarette that is bad, it's the spark that lights it that kicks it off. Its really not suited for apartment buildings as gas can go through walls and your neighbor smoking in his place, which is okay now, puts both people at risk. BHO gives hash oil a bad name and here in California, you will be charged the same as meth manufacturing. No joke in Ca. It also helps to expect a fire and to have a lid to cover it. Water on a grease fire is no bueno.

yes smoking a cigarette while cooking off 60% (lmfao) iso is bad.

there was no "spark" in the video... just an open flame the whole time. one from the stove, another from his already lit cigarette. I think they poured their 60% iso, which had been sitting in their "chronic, kill, kryptonic" way too long, into a hot glass dish, which no doubt evaporated a bunch of iso off, not to mention the already lingering fumes from their mix, and it finally hit that "sweet spot" mixture in the air, along with touching the stove flame or the cig cherry, and BOOM, from internet gangsters to scared crackas in .26 seconds. hard to believe it can happen that fast. any longer and the room would have been filled with more iso fumes, and it really would have been an explosion, not just a quick small flash fire and a flaming dish of green 60% iso.
I havent seen the video. I do remember the time 32 oz of naphtha went up in my face from a glowing red heat source. My lips and neck burned and hair was stuck on the walls of the corner kitchen. The fire was huge and I went for the sink faucet and let a rip. Wrong. It got more pissed off and bigger I grabbed the lid, and then the water for everything else. Having contained the source and not having it spill or the container fail was my best chance this thing didn't land me that kind of bad luck. Since I knew better I haven't done a hydrocarbon extraction since other than an occasional box of bernzomatic or ronson here or there. I keep it to an oz @ a time and don't pool butane w 3 or more cans at one time. There isn't an improved yield when pooling up butane 3 cans or more per run. I do an oz once w 1 can, then put it aside for co2 to hit again. I prefer virgin material hit cosub2, then isolated from everything else. What comes out is the bombest cannabis cup winning material and now only dependant upon 1 factor, the starting material.