It Is Alive... Finally! ROFL!


Heyas everyone,

I have finally finished my room. Attached is a blueprint of the room and it's components. I haven't taken any pictures yet, but I will upload when I get a chance.

I'm not really asking for any help with anything, more or less an overview of my setup and maybe some additional advise for "fine-tweaking" :)

As you can see in the blueprint, I am using a pretty good setup (which I learned by and all of the experience that this website offers), and am off on a great start.

The room stays about 75 degrees F and the tent runs about 84/86 on average. Both hoods are vented by a 4" vent tubing, through a 150 cfm blower exhausting outside. I also have a 165 cfm carbon filter, filtering the entire room, also exhausting to the outside.

I have a 4" fresh air intake splitting two ways into the room, one to my hoods for ventilation, and the other 4" fresh air vent into the room with a 4" fan duct for the room vent. I don't get alot of fresh air intake from the vent, but it some does come in. I do have the house air to fall back on, but fresh air is always welcome :).

I run a 400 watt MH in a corner of this open room for Veg and seedlings, but have a 48"x48"x76" tent that has a 600 watt HPS for flowering. Currently I have 4 Blueberries clones, and 3 Purple Kush clones. I have a few seedlings that are popping out atm under the MH, but not quite ready yet for the HPS. Skunk and White Widow I believe.

Both lights run a 18/6 cycle, the tent has a c02 system that runs every 15 minutes, every two hours on a light speed. I can't remember what the name of the system is atm, but I got it at the local ponics store (tub of something with a pump on the top). The plants in the tent seem to love the c02 big time too.

I run city tap water that airs out for at least 24 hours before use. I am altering the PH to be around 6.2, and using the Fox Farms Light Warrior for my seedlings and small clones, and Ocean Forest for my larger plants. I am also using Fox Farms Grow Big on the larger plants for better growth.

I had a bad situation with over watering in the past, and learned my lesson, and as a result, I now make sure my babies are watered correctly. I have been mixing the soil with some additional per-lite for better soil filtration. I was a bit hesitant about adding more to the soil as it already had some in it, but haven't seen any negative results so far and my plants are growing strong.

Anyways... I thought I would share my creation from these forums. As being a rookie grower from the start, I must say that all of you guys are very very good at what you do. These forums rock and now that I am learning and working with my growing talents, I will be sharing and helping anyone that is ever in need to re-pay my thanks to this wonder community.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas that may improve my setup, I am interested in hearing what everyone else thinks.

Happy Growing and Cheers!



Nice blueprint. Pics are worth, well, more words anyways. Pushing the limits of that 150 cfm though.
I have considered that actually. Thinking of stepping up to a 250 or a 300 cfm. As of now, the hood glass is only slightly warm to the touch and it doesn't seem to be hurting anything atm, so I will upgrade only if needed. $$$ yikes!


Active Member
i would wonder if the unfiltered air that goes from the intake though your lights, and exhausted would pick up some smell.
*double checks if lights would have positive or negative pressure*
yup the fans are "sucking" air though though the lights which would have negative pressure any openings in the light will suck up the smell, and send it though the exhaust un-filtered.
also it says you have one exhuast fan, and the carbon fiter dosnt seem to be connected directly to the fan. as it appears in the blue print either the filter will do nothing, since it is off to the side and not having air forced though it, or it will actually be pushing air though the filter the wrong way. it is on the positive pressure side of the vent, instead of the negative pressure side like its supposed to be.

so as far as i can tell, your vent system is flawed, and useless.

but im not here to be negative, i have some suggestions. im trying to help.

first remove the vent that goes though your lights. forget having 2 intakes and exhausts.
just leave the intakes open.
next it should be Filter>fan>Lights>exhaust.
this way your lights have postitive pressure, the air is blowing into them, and they will not suck up any air.
this way your filter is being used at full efficiency, because its near and directly connected to your fan.
and this way you only have 1 exhaust. and no intake tubeing.

im still new at this too, but this is just the way it makes sense to me.
anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong.


Well-Known Member
yeah put the carbon filter on the other side with another 150cfm fan and draw air from the room through it and out. You can leave the room intake passive though


i would wonder if the unfiltered air that goes from the intake though your lights, and exhausted would pick up some smell.
*double checks if lights would have positive or negative pressure*
yup the fans are "sucking" air though though the lights which would have negative pressure any openings in the light will suck up the smell, and send it though the exhaust un-filtered.
also it says you have one exhuast fan, and the carbon fiter dosnt seem to be connected directly to the fan. as it appears in the blue print either the filter will do nothing, since it is off to the side and not having air forced though it, or it will actually be pushing air though the filter the wrong way. it is on the positive pressure side of the vent, instead of the negative pressure side like its supposed to be.

so as far as i can tell, your vent system is flawed, and useless.

but im not here to be negative, i have some suggestions. im trying to help.

first remove the vent that goes though your lights. forget having 2 intakes and exhausts.
just leave the intakes open.
next it should be Filter>fan>Lights>exhaust.
this way your lights have postitive pressure, the air is blowing into them, and they will not suck up any air.
this way your filter is being used at full efficiency, because its near and directly connected to your fan.
and this way you only have 1 exhaust. and no intake tubeing.

im still new at this too, but this is just the way it makes sense to me.
anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong.
I see what you are saying. I didn't think about that. I don't really have any negative pressure atm, but your way makes more sense. I will mess around with that this weekend and will post the results. I have altered the blueprint to layout more or less your idea. Does the changes in the blueprint seem to fix the setup better? Thanks for the advise.



Another question that I have, and maybe you guys can answer this, maybe I already know the answer, lol. With fresh air entering into the room with this new setup with the assist of a blower fan, my room temp will more than likely rise or lower depending on the outside air temp. I have considered a portable AC unit for the room for Summer and thought of using house air for Winter. Average temp outside ranges between 5 degrees to 30 degrees in the Winter and 65 degrees to 95 degrees in the Summer. How cold or warm should I allow my room to get before worrying about any safety issues or concerns? I have also thought about filtering the intake air too for pollen and such too? any thoughts?


Active Member
Ill take a look at your blue print in a second, but for starters, i think you would want to keep the temp between 55* - 90* i would think any higher or lower then that could negatively effect you. (but im just talking out of my ass)


ok, i looked at your blueprint. that looks much better, and more efficient. i think your headed in the right direction.

and if temp starts going over 90* i would get a a/c


Ill take a look at your blue print in a second, but for starters, i think you would want to keep the temp between 55* - 90* i would think any higher or lower then that could negatively effect you. (but im just talking out of my ass)


ok, i looked at your blueprint. that looks much better, and more efficient. i think your headed in the right direction.

and if temp starts going over 90* i would get a a/c
Thanks for the advise. I will be making the changes today on the ventilation, and have already started looking into some AC options. Thanks again =)


some one pm me how to make a post like this ..... plzzz
Went to send you a PM and this is what I got when trying to send you a PM;

"floweringlove has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her.

If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove floweringlove from the recipient list and send the message again."


Well-Known Member
ur getting there... u didnt need to move ur fan. u should have two lines one coming in from outside to ur lights fresh cool air. and one for the carbon filter. they both need fans. before the split in ur system.other wise ur going to be pushing air from ur lights back threw ur filter..


Active Member
ur getting there... u didnt need to move ur fan. u should have two lines one coming in from outside to ur lights fresh cool air. and one for the carbon filter. they both need fans. before the split in ur system.other wise ur going to be pushing air from ur lights back threw ur filter..
LOL, thats the way he had it to begin with. dont confuse him!

no, in his current setup, the filter is before the lights, he wont be pushing the air from the lights though the filter. hes fine.

But in his first set of blue prints he was! so he has already fixed it.


Well-Known Member
no no hes better off the new way. im saing he should put a t in and have his 4 inch fresh air going past those lights. hes olny got a 4 inch line thats not enough for those lights. he need to add another blower at the air coming in threw the fresh air to push more threw the lights. or at the exit. other wise ur moving hot humid air past ur lights. dont cool them enough in that small of a space. and i would put 2 exhuast fans in one at the filter. and another after the last light near the exit for the air. the carbon filter is like having a golf ball stuck in a garden hose. and u wont get enough to the lights.