It is only Consumers Energy lol


New Member
Anybody else notice the meter reader driving a company cop car lol . In my area they are driving a white caprice cruiser just like LEO used in the day , possibly even a retired cruiser . I did not see it up close but have heard this from others as well recently ..

What the hell are they trying to do ? Scare everyone and anyone , many will think LEO has arrived and may even jump the gun when seeing the white cruiser pull up lol .. There is a small company logo on the door but even this is hard to notice .. Just thought I would let others know so they can pass this one along ..'

It is only Consumers Energy lol


Well-Known Member
lol they drive little nerdy eco cars near the capital. i would shit if they pulled up in an old black and white!

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
thanks for the heads-up. I was just bitching yesterday about the dumbasses that drive the old retired cop cars. We have to hit the breaks for every asshole who wants to save a few bucks or feel like magnum pi. lol


Well-Known Member
Good post. You might have saved me a pair of underwear. I remember one time looking out my window as 5+ cops
being lead by a dog running in my yard . I hear the buildings door open and thankfully them running up the stairs
to my neighbors. (The wife stabbed her husband a bunch of times)


Well-Known Member
Good post. You might have saved me a pair of underwear. I remember one time looking out my window as 5+ cops
being lead by a dog running in my yard . I hear the buildings door open and thankfully them running up the stairs
to my neighbors. (The wife stabbed her husband a bunch of times)
Lol my ole lady ran downstairs once like OMG OMG OMG the cops are in the front yard with a dog LIKE A BUNCH OF THEM!!!

i didn't save a pair of underwear that day.

ran upstairs only 3 cops from what i could see. they had a dog but they were moving on lol looking for someone running id guess.

I've never seen her so scared lol it was cute.


Well-Known Member
DETROIT (WJBK) - Detroit Police are warning that if you're pulled over by an officer driving anything other than a fully marked police car, there is a possibility it's not a real cop.
There have been at least two reports of men posing as police officers and robbing unsuspecting drivers at gunpoint. These men have police badges, bullet proof vests and guns. They look very official and they are armed and dangerous.

The most recent robbery was reported at a Citgo gas station near French and I-94 on Detroit's east side on Sunday. The clerk says two white men in a black Ford F-150 with police lights allegedly pistol-whipped customers pumping gas. The men stole cash and cell phones from their victims.
A second incident happened near Harper and 3 Mile Drive. A man says he was pulled over by three men in a unmarked Crown Victoria. The man was searched -- still unaware that these were not real police officers.
While he answered questions from one of the men posing as an officer, the other two men went through his car, stealing his wallet and CDs.

So, what can you do? Even police say you have permission not to stop if you don't believe a real police officer is trying to pull you over. Instead, call 911 and ask the dispatcher for assistance. If all else fails, drive to the nearest precinct.

Anyone with information on these robberies is encouraged to call Detroit Police.

Read more:


im in lansing ive only seen a few of the chevy volt electric cars or the chevy 1500 crew cab silverados. but good looks bro. ill keep my eye peeled back nd the dogs on alert!


Well-Known Member
My area they drive there own car truck etc they get mileage plus a wage who knows what they will show up in.