IT People in SoCal

That sounds right up my alley. I wonder why she never said that. She's always talking about how much i'd love San Fran and Oakland, but never mentions the smaller towns. I grew up in a city of 70k. So i'd fit in perfectly.
Even people in Sacramento and Folsom don't know about us, and they're about an hour to an hour and a half drive away. The people here, despite being a bit too Bible-oriented for me, are generally pretty decent. Generally. We do have our crackpots and drunks, like the two guys who were at the town hall meeting a couple of nights ago. They brought their beers in with them and everything (and apparently EVERYONE knows them :lol: ). This is that kind of county, everyone knows everyone else, or we know each other through someone else.
Where do I send it?
Just find him via my contacts/friends. I'll let him know that rkm is going to contact him about IT work. How's that sound? (He's actually working on getting rid of two of his techs, but they do a lot of stuff, from cable tv installations to locates to DSL installations to... ___________________ .) One of them is a hair's breadth from getting the pink slip, they're just building the case (and believe me, this guy has EARNED losing his job).
Even people in Sacramento and Folsom don't know about us, and they're about an hour to an hour and a half drive away. The people here, despite being a bit too Bible-oriented for me, are generally pretty decent. Generally. We do have our crackpots and drunks, like the two guys who were at the town hall meeting a couple of nights ago. They brought their beers in with them and everything (and apparently EVERYONE knows them :lol: ). This is that kind of county, everyone knows everyone else, or we know each other through someone else.

Just find him via my contacts/friends. I'll let him know that rkm is going to contact him about IT work. How's that sound? (He's actually working on getting rid of two of his techs, but they do a lot of stuff, from cable tv installations to locates to DSL installations to... ___________________ .) One of them is a hair's breadth from getting the pink slip, they're just building the case (and believe me, this guy has EARNED losing his job).

Are the people cool with horticulture as a hobby?
Just find him via my contacts/friends. I'll let him know that rkm is going to contact him about IT work. How's that sound? (He's actually working on getting rid of two of his techs, but they do a lot of stuff, from cable tv installations to locates to DSL installations to... ___________________ .) One of them is a hair's breadth from getting the pink slip, they're just building the case (and believe me, this guy has EARNED losing his job).

Should I send it directly to him or send to the business?
Are the people cool with horticulture as a hobby?
Hehheh.. YES. So are the phone company and PG&E. We have some meds here, I'm sure (though I don't know many personally because I don't talk about what I'm doing with people.

You want acreage? You can find acreage. Timber preserve, even. You want remote? Oh yeah, we can do remote.

All home buyers in the county must sign what is called a Right to Farm disclosure. It means that you and your neighbors have a right to farm, as long as it does not conflict with city regulations (if you live in the city).
And he DOESN'T MEAN THE JELLY! :lol: :hump:

Sorry. We have rednecks out here, too! They're loggers and miners and farmers and ranchers. :D

We have our fair share of rednecks here too, they were invented here. We have a little bit of everything. But the ones I despise are the self-righteous bastards who thinks their shit doesn't stink. It is a prime example of sin all week and repent on Sunday.
We have our fair share of rednecks here too, they were invented here. We have a little bit of everything. But the ones I despise are the self-righteous bastards who thinks their shit doesn't stink. It is a prime example of sin all week and repent on Sunday.
I thought Kenfucky was a hotbed of evangelism. That sounds so Catholic. Except with Catholics all you have to do is confess and do penance, and it doesn't matter what day of the week to get that done.
I thought Kenfucky was a hotbed of evangelism. That sounds so Catholic. Except with Catholics all you have to do is confess and do penance, and it doesn't matter what day of the week to get that done.

All I know is, there is practically a church or two on every corner. I swear there are probably 75 churches in my county alone. I steer clear, religion is not my bag. Hell, the largest church can hold 15,000 people. Thats a lot of repenting.
All I know is, there is practically a church or two on every corner. I swear there are probably 75 churches in my county alone. I steer clear, religion is not my bag.
It's a lot like that out here, but people aren't so high and mighty. Don't trespass on their land and DEFINITELY don't make it look like you're jumping a claim or you might get shot.
I lived in norcal, cencal and socal. Socal has the best weed, socal has the best weather, socal has the snobiest people in the world.