It's 4:20, and a drug bust is underway...


Active Member
This is an amazing story. I was smoking a J while looking out through my window at a cop dusting a truck for fingerprints across the street. Succa got his stereo stolen. But i definately think your story beats mine.

To all of the people talking about the cars
If you underestimate a dodge charger interceptor you are a fool. 340 hp, Tire ratings made for 149 mph speeds speedometor uses all 160 ticks, in other words it would run laps around that other car.

Great thread though,
what a story to tell


Well-Known Member
To all of the people talking about the cars
If you underestimate a dodge charger interceptor you are a fool. 340 hp, Tire ratings made for 149 mph speeds speedometor uses all 160 ticks, in other words it would run laps around that other car.

Great thread though,
what a story to tell
Thats funny cause i know for a fact unless that charger is supercharged it will not touch an STi... They make about the same amount of power, its just the simple fact that STi's have mind-blowing acceleration (from the turbo), straight line speed there equal, maybe a slight edge to the dodge, but in real world driving (meaning not in a straight line) an STi would run circle upon circle around a charger. The out handle, out accelerate, and IMO out style a charger hands down.... now i know people are not going to side with me but a clear cut example.... WRC (World Rally Championship) look up a video from the WRC and you'll see why Subaru Impreza WRX STi's own any other car on the road... besides your supercars and exotics.

Here even took the trouble out of looking up a video i provided you a link :)

YouTube - Subaru WRC Highlights - 2004
YouTube - subaru rally crazy foot cam (dont think you can drive your charger like this can you???)

I would like to see a charger doing half the things those Suebies are doing :mrgreen::joint: Its all about how you control that power.. and STi's act like superglue and sticks that power all to the road.

FYI the speedo on the STi goes to 165 :P

Weed Guy

Master Roller
available to me are...super silver haze, jack herer, bubbelicious, white widow, PP1, jamaican, colombian, afghan, neiderweit(skunk 1), and a few more...
Way to rub it in and make others jealous lol. Im coming to Amsterdam in a few weeks any suggestions as to what i should do or where to go. I was thinking about Anne Frank museum:mrgreen:. But seriously though....Im going there to get HIGH!!!!! So any ideas?


Well-Known Member
If the cops allready broke the door down like nazi's did they resecure it properly ?

Curiosity would be killing me,i'd have to go in & take a look around.


Well-Known Member
any clue what i should get, available to me are...super silver haze, jack herer, bubbelicious, white widow, PP1, jamaican, colombian, afghan, neiderweit(skunk 1), and a few more, but from those which is best for wisdom tooth pain...
Poor Dutch people, that's all you have to choose from, no selection at all! :lol:


Well-Known Member
This is an amazing story. I was smoking a J while looking out through my window at a cop dusting a truck for fingerprints across the street. Succa got his stereo stolen. But i definately think your story beats mine.

To all of the people talking about the cars
If you underestimate a dodge charger interceptor you are a fool. 340 hp, Tire ratings made for 149 mph speeds speedometor uses all 160 ticks, in other words it would run laps around that other car.

Great thread though,
what a story to tell
Nah, it really wouldnt. Not that one pictured atleast.


Well-Known Member
You can't say that, you have absolutely no idea what is under the hood of that car. With some not too crazy additions and tuning you can make those cars ridiculously fast. Norris Designs has an Evo 8 that does 0-60 in 2.6 or 2.9 seconds. The Evo's motor is slower in a straight line than the Sti's motor too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but over there in the European cities that little car would kick the shit out of a charger. A charger is way too big and heave to navigate the little alleyways, short streets, and tight turns. They need those little things. Now out on the open roads is a totally different story, but in something like Holland or London I would think they would kill a charger. You would spend 2 hours just trying to find a parking spot for the charger too.

Just my 2 cents....
Good point. I rented a hemi charger. And like all hemis (though these new ones aren't true hemis) are a dog off the line unless supercharged. They need to breathe.


Well-Known Member
Ok well, your coming to amsterdam and wanna get high, first i HAVE to suggest finding a greenhouse coffeeshop and smoking the hawaiian snow, then after than just hit every coffeeshop you see and try all the diff shit, oh and for best hash get king hassan from greenhouse, and well we have a bigger selection from the smaller places, but i usually go to the big strong as fuck places...but seriously, what would kill my pain...i feel like i'm dead...Oh and ye they tore down the door, but i checked at around 3 in the morning so i could mayb break in and get me a free hps is they left anything but it was all locked up...but...these apartments have doors on the balcony like mine...and the doors usually cant lock...sooo...u kno where i'm going with this...


Well-Known Member
Grab what you can. Last week I saw a home reno show ( holmes on holmes ) where some lady rented out her house & some reefer rats started a gro-op. But because the electrical bill was in her name she got a $60,000 bill. You better hope your neighbour didn't steal power, or your rents going up. So quick, go grab what ever's left maybe you'll
find some killer seeds.
Happy snooping. should have stolen the van. O well :o


Well-Known Member
police cars,even estate cars like that are FAST,thats why traffic police drive um,,they aint guna drive slow cars,
and european cars are the best in the world in everyway,american cars are big cars that go fast in a straight lines but they handle terribly with massive understeer,,,the best european cars way better than the best american car without a doubt!


Well-Known Member
Well, i cant get in, plus they practically took everything from what i saw, and, i think they were using clones from a single mother, at first they took out trays that had a few clones in them and a few hydroponics things, water pumps n whot not, so i dont think i'll get seeds plus dutch police are sneaky as fuck, i got a few stories about them if you guys wanna hear:)


Well-Known Member
Ye well i havn't uploaded the video yet, havn't had the chance, but i got a lil story bout those police, on new years, 4 in the morning their was a shootin, started cuz of a fight, 2 of my friends got shot, i got shot at, and a bunch of us just barely got hit, well, i got taken in for interogation...and as soon as i got in the room, the police told me they knew everything about me, and then proceeded to tell me about the lay out of my place, then about what i have inside(lights, tree, everything), then told me to talk or i'll be fucked, so i tell them what i know, i got off, well a few days later they call my dealer friend, only about 5 ppl in holland has his number, me, and his dealer friends, but the police called him without anyone giving away his number, also, he doesnt have a contract for the num to b traced, and the gsm chip was jus bought without any of his info being given out. On top of all that, the car that drove by shooting at us, the guys actually lived behind us, and at 4 in the morning nexT day the police went into the car and planted cams and mics and put cams around our places...i also got fuckin freaked out yesterday cuz i thought they were cuming for my shit...i usually have 3 or so trees going just to keep it leagl but still...they were outside and ripping down a dealers place below mine so its technically illegal to grow with lights here...which i have...but ye, i know more storied, and if you want me to tell about how i dodged bullets like dat dude on the matrix then just ask :)


Well-Known Member
surfnsk8tr i remember that story not to long ago on the news so sad didnt he rob someone for the ps3 though im not sure if i have the same case but it sounds very familiar at any rate there is no excuse for taking his life in highschool i got aressted and beat up for marijane possesion in front of my friends i got 2 bruised ribs from that ordeal all i was doing was smoking abit of weed and playing hackie sac/


Well-Known Member
Well, that same night, jan 1st, they were fighting, my friends against another gang, sooo, i was fighting n whot not, den got pulled aside by ma girl n another girl who is a friend...(yeeeee u kno it), and well, i'm on de side tryin to calm down, then my cuzin got ganged up by 6 guys, he's getting beat to the ground n one even had a chain beating his face, so i break free n run towards him to help, i reach half way and a car was cuming with people hanging from each window i kinda stopped...and had to tink about what was happening for a sec...i was like ''keep going...or run back'', i decide to run back, so the car was about 10 feet away, as i ran bullets were hitting around my feet, then they were shootin so much i had to stop, i ducked and kinda crouched down, den bullets were hitting the ground infront my face and around my feet as i was tryin to get away, even had pieces of the pavement hittin me...bu ye, i managed to run n got away thankfully, 2 of my friends got shot that night too, still alive though:)