its a boy! what now.


Active Member
so best ways of disposal? trash bag to dumpster? seems harsh. should i have like a memorial service before i snatch it up. i dont know is there just nothing i can do with it - like do clones only come from female plants (like if i cloned it it would always be a male right? because that would make sense if its a "clone") - anything?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
you could always separate it from your females and collect pollen to cross polinate later? :idea:


Well-Known Member
Trash him any way you can. If its bagseed, then throw him in a nasty dumpster or chuck it out the window while driving by the police station.....ha ha just kidding bout the popo's.

I burn my males when I fire up my bbq grill

~Boneman :joint:


Active Member
that was a really fast response thanks man - but im just a first time grower and am only doing one at a time just to get the hang of it right now so i dont have any other females right at the moment


Active Member
Trash him any way you can. If its bagseed, then throw him in a nasty dumpster or chuck it out the window while driving by the police station.....ha ha just kidding bout the popo's.

I burn my males when I fire up my bbq grill

~Boneman :joint:
haha alright man i like that - thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
so best ways of disposal? trash bag to dumpster? seems harsh. should i have like a memorial service before i snatch it up. i dont know is there just nothing i can do with it - like do clones only come from female plants (like if i cloned it it would always be a male right? because that would make sense if its a "clone") - anything?
me I chop up plants with scissors and flush em down the toilet. You can clone a male for pollinating in the future. For bagseed it would only be good for the experience if you don't have any.