Al B, first off you have taught me a great deal in the past so thanks very much for your efforts to help our community. Thanks for taking the time to come back around and help out some more, hopefully you don't waste your time repeating yourself over and over haha. My best wishes to your family as well buddy.
A couple of things I have picked up over time since reading all of your insight on growing years ago.
Where to get Fytocell in the states?
Physan20 - Seems great for disinfecting, what do you think?
Powdery Mildew? Eagle 20 EW. USE WITH CAUTION !READ!- 2ml/Gal + spreader/sticker spray every inch of the plant top and bottom, lights out for 3 hours, crank the fans for 30-60 mins and lights on. (systemic for 25-30 days give yourself at least 55-60 to be safe, to be even safer do it before flower) - huge thread on this on ICMag. It has absolutely STOPPED PM. Spray your clones just before flower and forget about PM. Remember not to use as an excuse for poor environment. Also one bottle should last you a life time since the mix rate is so low. Try to use this in some sort of rotation as there are other products such as this, we don't want some super strain of PM forming and floating around. Wear a respirator and long sleeves and pants and gloves etc. BE SAFE! This is heavy duty stuff but more than worth it because I have had a personal battle with PM for a very long time and have tried just about everything I could read about on every single canna forum, aside from starting from new plants and sterilizing everything with bleach this is the way to go. I believe it is used on golf courses lol. Al I am confident if you throw this in to your rotation as a preventative you will never have to burn sulfur ever again, personally sulfur was like a long term band-aid for me and was a PITA that smelled like ass.
I tried Fytocell + RW Cube clones and just could not get it to work so maybe between batches again I will give it another go, clones just wouldn't root in to the Fytocell. The RW cube the clone was in would be dry yet the Fytocell around it and below it was wet, the plants would just droop and die a week later. Clones were healthy and bursting with roots as I have rooted hundreds in RW now with about 99% success with your methods (some times I miss one when watering or plug it in wrong in a bad cube eh it happens). I only had to flood about once a day a few inches up to make the Fyto not too wet. Working on my ez cloner again and that should eliminate that issue, stupid brown algae actually lives and thrives through H202, another huge thread on that at ICM by richyrich. That's all I can think of for now.
Hope all is well for you, I can not stress how much I learned from you when I started and really appreciate it!
P.S. You have no idea how much I have searched for SWT#4 with no luck, I thank all the ridiculous hype about "OGs" around here lol. I did end up with Blockhead, LUI (3 diff. mothers) and Dutchgrown's SWT#3/Bros Grimm C99, all Wonderful hybrids so thanks for turning me on to a strain that relieves me medically as well as being easy to grow.
Just so ya know Kootenay has taken the steering wheel for SOL with Steve's oversight and is currently remaking SWT#3 which should be out in the coming months since he has already chosen parents from around 110 seeds
