It's a Girl!....I think


Active Member
Hey Guys,
My plant vegged for 8 weeks and we are now into the first week of flowering (just completed first week to be exact). This is really just a test grow, so I won't get into set up or growing stats right now, if you want them just let me know and I'll post them later.

On to my question. This looks like a female to me, but would appreciate it if someone could confirm. Or, tell me it's to early to tell, but I think we have an answer and I think I like it.

Or if you guys need more pics let me know.

Thanks guys


Active Member

I don't expect much bud off this bag seed but one successful grow, may turn me into an addict.... a very happy addict.


Active Member
Hey now, don't get down on yourself because it's bag seed. Harvest and cure it properly and you'll forget that it was a random pick. Commercial growers don't have the time so just a little TLC will give you better than expected results!


Well-Known Member
Like Lordbrian said bagseed can be very good.Congrats on the girl,aren't those hairs sexy!Good Luck & Stay Safe!!