Its a male, you know what I'm gonna do with it.


Well-Known Member
But besides planting it in my old High School what else should I do with it? And I can get as many seeds and I'd like from my friend. Same genes too.

So what to do with this father?



Active Member
breed it with a female.. make a whole bunch of seeds and save em for another crop.. if u dont wanna do this id just grind up the whole dam plant except for the stems and make some hash with it.. why the fuck not its fun growing plants evan if there male.. its good expirience to have under your belt... just keep it do what your heart desires man!!


Active Member
you dont have to.. but if you do ur gunna have to pick out ALL the pollen sacks and stems.. but ull have more hash in the end with a higher thc level, its more werk but id recomend lettin it flower


Active Member
no.. deffinatly DONT do that to make hash.. you want NO stems!!!! this is crutial!! and deffinatly dont pur shit on your plants i have no clue what this guy was thinking.


Well-Known Member
looks like a murder scene.

that has got to be the nicest looking male i've seen yet. so thick and bushy. nice tight node spacing. thick green leaves. can you isolate it outside somewhere and flower it, save some pollen and seed-out a small branch on a female? some very good genetics.