It's All Bullsh*t


Well-Known Member
they haven't made it for 9 months. i just used the last of mine two days ago. i will now be using this ........


Active Member
fdd i see that the pictures of your trees are from last harvest..i would like to know how was the harvest yield wise from such nice plants

what do you have going on this season...


Active Member
they grow themselves. just water them with food. that's it. the nute industry has gotten us. boosters and bloomers and carb load and sugars. it's all bullshit. this is a simple plant. it has been genetically bred to produce the finest product. why will no one believe in the genes. let the plant do it's own thing. i'm not adding sugars or enhancers. why? it prime weed already. so much goes into breeding yet they lead you to believe you need all these products to produce. it's bullshit.

dam thats insane yoo....

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
i love you friend...

i have pictures of some seedlings you'd be interested in coming up this weekend...

and its mostly cuz of you i've decided to go completely organic for the grow (i decided that a while ago, but still, its cuz of you)

i'm thinking some simple fish poo by "alaska" 5-1-1 for veg... and i haven't decided about bloom feed... i'll see if the hydro shop has any of the meta when i go there...

best of luck finishing up your grow

good genes is what we're all really looking for... people just have to compensate with all those feeds sometimes...

good growin all!
They make an alaska bloom with no-nitrogen as well.


Well-Known Member got me salivating looking at your "tree" first attempt at growing is going nice and i cant wait til harvest time but yours should win some kinda prize or something....

you need to add scratch and sniff to the site
LOL Scratch and sniff..

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
they grow themselves. just water them with food. that's it. the nute industry has gotten us. boosters and bloomers and carb load and sugars. it's all bullshit. this is a simple plant. it has been genetically bred to produce the finest product. why will no one believe in the genes. let the plant do it's own thing. i'm not adding sugars or enhancers. why? it prime weed already. so much goes into breeding yet they lead you to believe you need all these products to produce. it's bullshit.

If I had the outdoor room I would go all organic---at the end of harvest I'd throw some dead fish down in the soil to decompose for the next years grow----I would then build a chicken wire fence about 100 square feet around one plant---I'd make sure I had grass in the fence and I toss in a couple handfuls of live-night-crawler worms and 10 chickens----I'd use that "fart" well water with all those micros's in it. In flowering i would just add dry bat guano that's it-----I know you boys have heard of "jack and the bean stock:mrgreen:" ---helllllllllll yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......


Active Member
fdd.. Are you using that age old grow for flowering?
If not what are you using?
They are looking beautiful... can't wait to see the harvest


Active Member
they haven't made it for 9 months. i just used the last of mine two days ago. i will now be using this ........
fdd how do you like the age old grow????

and if so do you use it everyday in your cycle???

meaning feed in the a.m. water in the evening like you stated before in describing your technique....

you got some tru skilz in the garden which makes me look to you as my benchmark...i have a plant which is a couple months old and doing well i recently took a few clones off it get more yield....Plus all the info provided on this site got me real juiced....
I too subscribe to your theory about keeping it simple and not running out to purchase the latest greatest this or that....water , food and light....The only thing that has bothered my plant is the fluctuation in weather here the last month because it goes from extremely hot mid 90's temp to almost winter cold high 50's low 60's which has stressed my plant a little where some leaves yellowed there have been serious wild fires out west that has it very very hazy for the past week......:joint::joint::joint::joint:...
but hey its a weed which has been around for thousands of years and will do well if i just keep it simple

great site i hope its around for along time and i was pleasantly surprised at the amount of post and people just trolling the just imagine how it would be if the weed got legal status.....not that i care because imma smoke :joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
i was using metanaturals. they didn't make veg this year so i just switched to age old. i have used small amounts of it for small grows in the best and liked it. i am only watering every 3 days or so now because i have most everything in the ground. i feed about every third watering. my soil is high in nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
^^yeah please do i knew someone years ago used to have ganj plants in fishbowls filled with like a clear gel maybe this is the stuff? let us know thanx