It's All Bullsh*t

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I could grow outside like that.

I agree that all the stuff they try to sell ya is bullchit. All i use is Alaska brand fish emulsion (5-1-1) for veg and dry bar cave bat guano (3-10-1) for flower along with some molasses. Plants do great. cost of all my ferts is probably 20-25 dollars and lasts for many grows.
It's a weed, not a hot house Lilly :lol:

unless you're trying to win the cannabis cup, how hard can it be?

I envy the outdoor growers


Well-Known Member
so as i was saying...

it's all bullshit. you have to do this and you have to do that. why are the seed banks doing such extensive breeding if we control the outcome? i think the more you try to help it along, the more you actually hurt it. maybe indoors things are slightly different. topping. that's about it. indoors you are limited on height and width, therefore topping and/or training a plant can help increase growth and yield. but other that that i feel all you need is to provide a comfortable environment and regular feedings of organic nutes. this plant has been here for a lot longer than we've been growing it. i think trying new things is fun. good to learn all we can. but when it comes down to it this plant has just a few basic needs. like we all say "it is just a weed". but we are fed all this bullshit. i blame hightimes for a lot of it. they are paid to advertise products. the more products that are sold the more money the companies have to spend on adds. notice they won't say add nitrogen. they always name a brand to use. they get us to think we will grow "Super Buds" with this crap. someone pointed out their prices index last night. i received the Oct hightimes about 10 days ago. the price index says prices dipped $32 from Sept. and slid to it's lowest point since July. WHAT THE FUCK???????? it's still August.

it's all bullshit. i have a lot more........:evil:
wow this thread is crazy old but i agree 100%; there is way to much focus on nutes and additives when people really need to place there focus on the plants needs (reading the plants) and using alot less nutes. its actually quite amazing how little these plants need to produce healthy yields. i personally use GH 3 part nutes b/c they last forever even if you make a nute solution you can store it indefinately (as long as its nutes only with nothing natural/organic added) and b/c they were developed some 30 yrs ago for nasa to meet all of a plants needs; back before hydro nute companies and hydro shops realized they could make big bucks off of "us" (especially newbies) through wise marketing tactics. seriously it is a bunch of bullshit; theres not one nute maker that has a feeding schedule with less than 5 products at the least. i think feel that if got into this hobby now instead of when i did i would be detered from it b/c of all the confusion and misleading information. great thread fade to black!


Well-Known Member
wow this thread is crazy old but i agree 100%; there is way to much focus on nutes and additives when people really need to place there focus on the plants needs (reading the plants) and using alot less nutes. its actually quite amazing how little these plants need to produce healthy yields. i personally use GH 3 part nutes b/c they last forever even if you make a nute solution you can store it indefinately (as long as its nutes only with nothing natural/organic added) and b/c they were developed some 30 yrs ago for nasa to meet all of a plants needs; back before hydro nute companies and hydro shops realized they could make big bucks off of "us" (especially newbies) through wise marketing tactics. seriously it is a bunch of bullshit; theres not one nute maker that has a feeding schedule with less than 5 products at the least. i think feel that if got into this hobby now instead of when i did i would be detered from it b/c of all the confusion and misleading information. great thread fade to black!

i bought my first jug of cal-mag last year. i still have half of it left. :weed:


Well-Known Member
hey fade what made you think you needed cal-mag? did you test your water & soil first?
every once in a while, i listen to people. :wall:

it didn't hurt anything, but it smells funny. i was having issues indoors and everyone kept telling me i needed cal mag. it didn't fix my problem. turned out being my sulphur burner. i was running it too long and it was leaving spots on my leaves. i got it figured out now.

every now and then i throw some to my plants, just to use up this jug.



Well-Known Member
hey fdd..I am sure you've mentioned before so I apologize for not reading some of your 40k posts and finding it for myself.. but do you use tap, R/O, or rain...etc water??

edit: I ask because I use R/O and many people seem to think it's necessary. I thought I saw a cal deficiency in my girls so I added it once. I'm just not sure if I feel comfortable using it. Doesn't the GH Flora 3-part contain enough calcium, magnesium, and other elements?


Well-Known Member
hey fdd..I am sure you've mentioned before so I apologize for not reading some of your 40k posts and finding it for myself.. but do you use tap, R/O, or rain...etc water??

edit: I ask because I use R/O and many people seem to think it's necessary. I thought I saw a cal deficiency in my girls so I added it once. I'm just not sure if I feel comfortable using it. Doesn't the GH Flora 3-part contain enough calcium, magnesium, and other elements?
outside i use well water that smells like farts.
inside i use tap water out of my kitchen sink.

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
its lonely on top fdd... petty arguments are better left too the teenagers who falsify info to sign up and the people that act like them. this nonesense is unbecomeing especially when it involves a member i know to be one of the most respected (and sometimes worshiped) here on riu and another that seems to have accumulated some rep points. roll one up i know you have plenty fdd. peace.


Well-Known Member
awesome plants fdd...i see peroxide in your rather "simple" lineup of tools and nutes. can you point me in the right direction to learn more about how you are using this and what it does?


Well-Known Member
awesome plants fdd...i see peroxide in your rather "simple" lineup of tools and nutes. can you point me in the right direction to learn more about how you are using this and what it does?

i was using 1 tablespoon per gallon of water and spraying powdery mildew with it to kill it.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i was using 1 tablespoon per gallon of water and spraying powdery mildew with it to kill it.
i like this alot. i haven'thad any meldew yet but when i do i will try this.mornning FDD hows is the new year thus far.