It's Canada's fault the US gov shut down.


Well-Known Member
Well just to let you know the two upgraders, Regina, Loydminster ARE the biggest facilities of their kind in North America(this includes your area also). Canada could keep up with their own needs easily my friend. Hand outs to the USA and other countries is the main reason for not being able to keep up with supply. The whole problem stems from the USA, we pay almost $6.00 a gallon in Canada, not because of our needs but for the American market and the subsidies you receive every time you fill your car. Are you paying $6.00 a instead of cutting Canada down...maybe a Thank You to all the non-USA residence that are keeping your country from bankruptcy and your cheap gasoline. Your a goner without little brother cleaning up after you. Your country should take some money out of the military and invest in your own crude....wait!...You ran out years ago! JAS
We didnt run out and will be a net exporter by 2025
This is actually the boom time for Oil and Gas in the USA


Well-Known Member
No not even close
You're right it's a paltry $1.2 Trillion. :D

"To put China's ownership of U.S. debt in perspective, its holding of $1.2 trillion is even larger than the amount owned by American households. U.S. citizens hold only about $959 billion in U.S. debt, according to the Federal Reserve."



Well-Known Member
Lets do math

You said

So by rounding
17 trillion in debt
China owns 1.2 trillion

17/1.2 = 14.16 =` 7 %
and you proclaimed

I had high expectations of the Canadian Educational system now I have my doubts. Maybe Kynes was right

I just guessed.

Then I looked it up and corrected myself. Apparently you can't read. Does that say something about the American education system?

Also you quoted me twice.... Does that mean you don't even know what you're writing?


Well-Known Member
I'm rubbing your face into the excrement you shat out onto this forum with that post about China owning 60% of our debt
Gee willakers.

I was wrong. Already said I was wrong, and posted the correct info. Then you posted some weird, half incoherent post stating what I already stated. Now you posted that you're 'rubbing my face' in what I already said was wrong after actually looking it up.

You go, girl.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You are aware Methanol can be made from hemp, right? Or were you pointing out that "hemp gasoline" is just a hillbilly's euphemism for dat syants stuff.
"hemp gasoline" was used intentionally to imply that the methanol would be made from hemp throguh some heretofore unknown alchemy which only works with cannabis.

it was just one of many fallacies jammed into that oft repeated line of bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Gee willakers.

I was wrong. Already said I was wrong, and posted the correct info. Then you posted some weird, half incoherent post stating what I already stated. Now you posted that you're 'rubbing my face' in what I already said was wrong after actually looking it up.

You go, girl.
Go back and revisit the posts I made


Ursus marijanus
You are aware Methanol can be made from hemp, right? Or were you pointing out that "hemp gasoline" is just a hillbilly's euphemism for dat syants stuff.
To be gasoline it must be the C6-C9 hydrocarbon fraction. Alcohols, ethers etc. ain't gasoline. Viable Otto (4-stroke sparked) motor fuel, but not gasoline. Jmo.

<add> Not science ... engineering.


Well-Known Member
To be gasoline it must be the C6-C9 hydrocarbon fraction. Alcohols, ethers etc. ain't gasoline. Viable Otto (4-stroke sparked) motor fuel, but not gasoline. Jmo.

<add> Not science ... engineering.
Thanks for the chemistry lesson.
Is there a translation for engineering in hillbilly latin?