It's finally time for me to quit reading and just grow!!!


Sector 5 Moderator
Anyone only spending a couple of hours or less at a house really raises the red flags. You need to really think your cover story through and flesh out all the details and be prepared to think quickly on your feet. Also, something like a coughing fit (pretending your saliva went down the wrong pipe) in case you get asked something you have to think over. Maybe you are doing some remodeling or something, but then you might need to show some tools or something. Don't mean to make you paranoid but you do need to be prepared.


Well, I got the all clear for the house, keys are in hand!! After a weekend of checking others grows that are set up, and finding out a buddy from school owns a "grow shop" my dreams are a lot bigger and brighter. Couple situations, 1) security: I'm doing a preemptive strike on the 2 houses right next door, I'm an outside sales person and this house is perfect for office/storage, that I will be in/out of the house daily, but never overnight. 2) equipment: hell yea!!! I have a friend that I can get equipment for 10% above cost, so I've decided on 3 1000 watt HID lights for the flowering room 2 T5 for the bathroom/veg/clone room, the big carbon filter, I'm switching from soil to water, (maybe fill/drain) 8 inch blower fan, I'm running straight to the electric box so I'm getting a panel. I priced some stuff today and for what I thought I was paying 2k, I got for 800$. I'm running all the vents to/from the attic. I'm ripping up carpet and bombing tomorrow. I figured I'm going all in, the charge is the same for 2 lights as it is 3 lights, and I set up buckets today I can get 12 5 gallon buckets in the bedroom/grow room easy, so fitting 8 big ass buckets for water will go easy. Hell yes!!! Real busy until Monday & equipment isn't ready for pick up until Saturday/Monday, so ill update then...


Just dropped the 3k (original order was 7200$, but since we played ball together back in the day & he just open his own grow shop, i got the hook up!!!) off for the order & that will be ready on Monday. Ordered master kush & carmelisious feminized seeds & found a hook up on some clones here in my town. I went by the house last night & ripped the rest of the carpet out & set the bombs off. I took Monday & Tuesday off, so I can be running by the latest of Tuesday night... Here we grow!!!


Well-Known Member
85 % Fail or Bail in the end , take the time and start slow and learn with hands on experience as the books and notes online are often very misleading due to the variables that we all encounter and face in this field .. You will soon see what I mean and it will make more sense ! Best of Karma to you
I remember you saying something like this when I was planning this first grow of mine... Actually was a huge motivator to ensure I succeed. I like to at least be in the top 15 percentile!


Well-Known Member
And DAYUM BRO! You're getting real serious for your first grow! As long as you've done your due diligence, I believe you will be fine. Plus, when problems occur you will need some money to fix them and it seems like you've got that covered lol. I'm subbin up for this. Sounds like it's going to be the most epic success for a newb... or the most epic fail... But I've got faith you can do it!
1) security: I'm doing a preemptive strike on the 2 houses right next door, I'm an outside sales person and this house is perfect for office/storage, that I will be in/out of the house daily, but never overnight.
Good idea. You should leave lots of dummy files etc in the house, and take some with you when you leave, so that your neighbours can see there's a reason for you to be going in there.

Best of luck with this, I'm interested to see how it pans out, particularly how long it takes before your wife accuses you of having an affair.


Well-Known Member
Best of luck with this, I'm interested to see how it pans out, particularly how long it takes before your wife accuses you of having an affair.
What we were all thinking, but being too nice to say lol. Maybe you should let her know, just not tell her how huge you're going with it there kingpen lol She is going to find out eventually... You know how damn nosey our women can be! Or mine anyway


After much thought on the "tell the wifey" proposal, I've come to the conclusion that's a bad idea. I've been finished smoking "pot" since I was a teenager. Ewww, pot??? Who does that stuff anyways?? Yea, no... Wow, I could only imagine the conversation to go to places I'm not messing with!!! Well I had a couple hours free yesterday, so I was able to clean the kitchen (drying room) & living room (normal room where all the ballast, carbon filter, panels, & cutting room) yesterday. I didn't see any dead bugs anywhere, so either the bomb sucked or the house is bug free. Was thinking about getting cable in the house, so when I do cut ill have something to do, but I really need to pull the trigger on that if I do decide because Monday is right around the corner, and after that I won't be able to. So that's my food for thought today. Also, what does subbed mean??


Well-Known Member
Means that were subscribed to your thread. When you update we get a message lettin us know so we can chat and offer advice like, why get cable when you can get dvd player at goodwill for ten bucks :):):)


Well-Known Member
I forgot about the whole not being a smoker thing. Yea you're right, bad idea lol. In my town on more than one occasion cops have pretended to be cable guys and made busts. I would avoid having anyone extra come in there if you can.


Well, well, well... Due to problems that I have no control over the equipment has not made it to me yet, so I'm still sitting here with my thumb up my ass. I did however do some more shopping and my total bill from the grow shop is 5700$$, and ill need a u-haul to transport. After very long thought I've upped my everything. 4-1000watters, 2 carbon filters, 2 blowers, 4 ballistics (???), 4 hoods, 1 clone machine 2 T5, 1 electric panel,20 clones, small window unit a/c, 4 ebben flow trays. I need to still go by Home Depot and get a bunch of stuff, so total mone will only grow from there. I didn't get the deal I thought I was gonna get, so I'm a little pissed bout that, but O'well... Since I'm tied up Thursday-Sunday, my brother has to move everything, & build it all, so that's a win/lose because I was excited to do this baby from start to finish. I will be stopping by throughout it all, but only for short periods of times ("store-runs") to see and ill snap some pics and share with y'all. Just to clarify- I do smoke, every day, and have for about 20 years and have been real successful of hiding that from wife,kids, and other lameOs, so the wifey thinking I'm having affair is not a concern for me right now... So my next post I should have some pics to share of the build, but until then anything anyone want to share that they forgot to do, that would have help that ill probably forget???


Well-Known Member
Occilating wall mounted fans or tall standing fans 4, dehumidifier if you care, idk what all the big bill had on it but ill suggest calmag if you havent got that lol :):):) this ll be fun :)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Anyone only spending a couple of hours or less at a house really raises the red flags. You need to really think your cover story through and flesh out all the details and be prepared to think quickly on your feet. Also, something like a coughing fit (pretending your saliva went down the wrong pipe) in case you get asked something you have to think over. Maybe you are doing some remodeling or something, but then you might need to show some tools or something. Don't mean to make you paranoid but you do need to be prepared.
[FONT=&quot]Yeah, renting that house?

I don't know man.

The neighbors may soon start noticing that no one is there most of the time.

Hate to say it, but it may look suspicious.

At least get some lamps on timers.

Good luck.[/FONT]
Big learning curve for hydro, especially when you consider the scale at which your doing. My advice would be hook up one light and one table. This hobby is time consuming for just a coupe plants, 4 tables worth, and its a full time job, especially for someone without experience. What nutes did you buy? How big are the reservoirs and the tables?

You might think you've got the wifey situation on lock down, but it is going to become a problem eventually. Ask me how I know. You've already plopped down $6k for this and that's before you add in the rent, electricity, water usage and time. Also, you're looking at almost 4 months before you get product from seeds, 2 to 3 months from clones. More than likely, your first harvest, and probably your second harvest, won't be worth much commercially. Fem seeds don't always result in female plants, especially when you add in the stressors of a new grower on a steep learning curve. It could take as long as 6 months before you show a month with profits. How do you explain the money you've spent to the wife? And when you make a profit, how do you handle the new cash? Remember, brother and electrician friend know you're growing, so that cuts into profits/personal smoke.

Don't get me wrong bro, I hope you knock this shit out the park. I just want your expectations to be realistic and don't get bummed when your first harvest isn't the dankest shit ever.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
And DAYUM BRO! You're getting real serious for your first grow! As long as you've done your due diligence, I believe you will be fine. Plus, when problems occur you will need some money to fix them and it seems like you've got that covered lol. I'm subbin up for this. Sounds like it's going to be the most epic success for a newb... or the most epic fail... But I've got faith you can do it!
Yep, it could go either way.

We will all have to combine our positive will.

And subbed ;-)

Big learning curve for hydro, especially when you consider the scale at which your doing.

Don't get me wrong bro, I hope you knock this shit out the park. I just want your expectations to be realistic and don't get bummed when your first harvest isn't the dankest shit ever.
Yep, I would have gone with soil at least at first.

But, it's on.


What up all?? My brother is lazy as EFFE!!! Nothing built and only half of the equipment. So how do you post a pic??


Well-Known Member
lol. If you want something done right...

If you want to post a pic click "go advanced" which is right beside "post quick reply." Click the paperclip, then "add files" located on the top right of the popup, select the files, click open, then click "insert inline."