it's FUCKING hot! When are we going to get a break from these 100'F temps?! Jesus!


Well-Known Member
Yea? where abouts you from? just curious..
midsouth , u s of a

it was cracking before, but literally has increased much more in the last two months then in the last few years... told the landlord and he isn't doing shit about it. I guess there is nothing he can do..


i avoid growing in summer as the heat just cooks there little girls to a crisp i was in bloom last year and lost all ov my plants 50% me not paying the right attention 50% heat i swor from that day on neva again just to hot easyer to heat a room than cool it down


Well-Known Member
for those in norther il. southern michigan, southern wisconsin, northern indiana, and north western ohio rain/releafe is comming tonight!
West coast mountains and it's about 68~70 F out right now, that's some crazy temperatures you guys get, it never gets hotter than 90 here I don't think I could handle that :shock:


Well-Known Member
yes sir! I bought one this summer.. and boy am I ever glad I did my friend.

It's called 'Commercial Cool' 11,500 BTU unit. It's a dehumidifier; humidifier; air conditioner and heater rolled all into one unit. It's bad ass man!

and for $400.00 - yeah, you can't beat the price..

This things bad to the bone my friend! It's got a digital LCD display on the front.. that works just like your thermostat in your house.

Def. worth the money.

My grow area right now.. is right at a cool 78`F with 38% RH. I can keep it there 24/7 if I want too.. ;)

I highly recommend this unit to anyone that's currently suffering from this incredible heat wave.

have you got a catalogue number for your AC / where did you get it ? .. is it expensive to run? How many watts is it ? - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
Whats up guys. Man, its fucking hot outside. I mean, HOT! People around here are actually starting to report that their house foundations are starting to buckle and crack.. so yeah, that should give you an idea of how hot it is around here.

We've had almost 30 straight days now.. with every day being 100'F or higher.. with heat indexes each day, being from 105 all the way up to 115`F!!! 115`F!!! I mean, you step outside and its like you can't even breathe.. and it almost feels like your skin is literally burning!!

If your in the central U.S. right now.. you know what I'm talking about.

Thank God, I bought that 'commercial cool' unit this summer... phhheeeww! It's already paid for itself twice over. It's kept me cool and my environment cool. Thanks Commercial Cool!
were on day 43 of 100+ degrees it was 116 today in the shade and is supposed to be 105+ for another week..


Well-Known Member
It's 80F here and it's night time, It's hard keeping the temps down in the grow room, currently it's about 92 in there :(
The plants outside are being watched by 3 different people alternatively so they don't get too thirsty.

Razz, it hit 86-87! People running into convenience stores for the air conditioning. It's so humid when the sun isn't out, it's like being in a gray, cloudy OVEN. It's oppressive. I still can't get out of bed for a glass of water...

I am a terrible excuse for a black person- I cannot stand the heat! I get all dizzy and sick and don't want to eat/drink and just babble nonsense like I was fucked out of my mind. The amount of times my mother went to yell at me because she thought I was stoned lol

I spent most of my weekend walking around in my underwear.