Its getting close to that time!


Active Member
First successful grow my ladies are alot bigger than I expected. But some questions about the curing process, I dont wanna make it to the end and mess it up. Ive come too far! So ive read to hang it in a dark room for 5 days. Then put it in jars for how long? It says the longer the better but im scared of mold(due to my ladies being bigger than expected) what else can u put it in instead of mason jars? Like would tuperware work? Any ideas. Advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
glass jars are the preferance.after you jar them you have to make sure they dont mold by keeping a close eye on them,if they feel too moist you can lay the fruit out to dry some more in a cool dark place then rejar them when you feel there dry enough...its all up to your care and effort,good luck...

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
I would go with the glass jars for sure. Every time I've cured it's been in glass and they've come out so flavorful. Like lxyzeroomer said, keep watching them for any signs of mold, gotta be on top of that. Also if the buds are a little too large and that's got you worried, be sure not to over pack the jars as that will lead to quicker molding.


Active Member
I just finished my first grow and cure with insanely great success. Dry them until they are definitly feeling dry. Jar them and check them in 12 hours. If they feel wet, leave out overnight again and repeat. The first time you open the jar after 12 hours and they feel like they are actually drying, start doing it every 24 hours for 4 weeks. My buds are so hard now it rocks! Just check them every 12 RELIGIOUSLY without forgetting and you won't have to worry about mold. If you forget and they are too wet, you will ruin the entire jar.