It's going to be a rough morning for some Nigerian scammer.


Active Member
This might appeal more to geeks, I dunno but I think it could entertain anybody that has the time and likes to see a scammer get fucked over. Another one of my fun romps through the criminal underworld on the internet.:-P
The names have not been changed to protect the guilty.

This is in not a hacking/cracking kind of thing. It is a walk into a public space and talk real loud next to a burglar kind of story.

I checked my email this evening and found I had received a spam. For shits and giggles I decided to poke around.
That red bar wasn't there until later.
email 1.png

I decided to run a whois on and checked their web site to find out it is a university in Brazil. In the email header I found the originating IP was which a whois query revealed to be of course a cell phone company in Nigeria called Visafone Communications Limited where they literally sell an entire business in a box.
For my safety I decided not to connect directly to any of these systems, it's just not a good practice. I have tor and a privoxy proxy installed on my system so I connected through the tor network. If you're not familiar with that, it is a system to bounce your connection around various nodes around the world and make it virtually impossible to find you unless you slip up and leak something.
I tried to telnet in to that ************ account on the university server but it was not accepting connections. Googled "zimbra", which was revealed in the IP header as the email client and found it was a web based system on that university.

Guess what the password was...

Baffled as to why the university has a free for all email account, I logged into the middle of a scam operation.
The webmail was in Portuguese but I more or less figured it out. I could see the received emails, the drafts, and sent emails. There were 3 people I discovered were falling for as he was corresponding with them. I'm amazed anybody falls for this kind of crap. There were also plenty of delivery failure messages.
Here is a correspondence I pasted to a friend I was talking to while all this was happening.
Thanks for your response. Meanwhile, the diplomat has left my country
today to Mexico where he has other lodged funds of your inheritance to
be delivered, so he will be contacting you from Mexico.
Note, the diplomat does not know the content of the box and please do
not disclose it to him, in that its content is money for security
reasons. Before he left we told him that the content of the box is
personal effects material, he will contact you immediately they arrive,
so that you can come along with the clearance fee of $4,500 dollars. In
this case, I will advise you to ensure that you comply with them so
that your fund will be delivered to you without any further delay.

Finally, find attached the documents covering your fund as the prove of ownership and please keep me updated. Have a great day.

Best Regard

-Percy Brown
I moved on to the sent mails and found over 1000 messages sent. There were a couple hundred today and a few yesterday. It seems he comes and goes from time to time I guess between working the email and phone calls.
Each one of these messages had a list of about 150 people and there were maybe 10-40 messages of each type.

I'm very glad for auto save because I'm high right now. I went out of private browsing to copy something and forgot firefox does not save private pages.

Next I got an idea. I typed up a fake email where another party contacts the scammer in a way so stereotypical that it leaves little room for interpretation what is going on. I made sure to use stereotypical foreign and arab sounding names and of course one con artist is ripping off another in it. The guy types poorly as if somebody else provides his scripts and instead of a phone, he is in one of those Nigerian internet cafes. The goal was to make it appear this email was accidentally sent to a mailing list or reply-to-all was pressed.
I pasted this into each of the previously sent emails in place of the original text, changed the title to "Re: sale of scam email list" and fired it to each of the mailing lists.
The bottom email is the one sent to the scammer by a phantom party and the top email is the scammers reply he "leaks".
email 2.png
That email came to me because I was still on one of those lists. The email header had it coming from Germany.
It took hours to run through that list but I sent that email off to two days worth of his work. I made sure to send it a second time to the people who were communicating with him. I watched as over 4000 emails came in. About 75% were delivery failure notices and the rest were "on vacation" or "out of office" and a few "thank you for your inquiry about our product, we will reply shortly" emails. Only 3 people replied in person.
One told the scammer that he had accidentally sent an email that was meant to somebody else and they seemed helpful. I guess he didn't connect what was going on or didn't care that these were criminals.
The other two I am quoting from what I pasted to my friend.
Guess you just lost any hope of getting that “idiot” to give you his money by weeks end if he read your email. Ha ha.Whose the retard now!!!

Connected by DROID on Verizon Wireless
That dude was pissed.
There's no point in that. Those were 3 messages in over 4000, the scammers don't care if you yell at them and it only confirms a valid email address.

Next I deleted any emails from people who were replying to his scams that he hadn't seen yet and covered up all of the evidence of what I had done so he'll be baffled as to why all of a sudden his marks wise up and people stop replying.

My last act was to be stealing the entire email list so I can try to figure out how many there were and where he is getting them from however I only copied the first list of 150 and my connection to the server was closed. I figured what happened was the system admin had just caught me since I was being extremely loud and sticking around longer than usual so he blocked me in iptables. I changed my IP and still couldn't connect. You can't torify a ping so I used nmap and *********** was gone from the internet! It seems somebody noticed the massive million email network lag or got a warning from one of these recipients about retarded criminals using their server and they either took the interface down or pulled the network cord entirely until the system admin or a tech can investigate what happened.

Then I fired up a bowl to celebrate and I got the idea to type this so someone else may enjoy.

In the end I didn't get the list but it all worked out. People were warned that they were on a spam list and a few may be saved from being robbed therefore rendering his mailing list far less effective, many no doubt got a kick out of a stupid scammer revealing himself, I got my yayas, and the admin of that server hopefully now realises the grievous security situation on their network and puts a stop to this email jackassery.


Well-Known Member
they tried getting my gma telling her she had a inheritance from a guy in japan lol


Active Member
Well I logged in this morning and the server is back online and he just sent out another mass mailing. Perhaps I should have titled this "some nigerian scammer is going to have a bad week" because this guy is my new hobby.
He was in the account at the same time I was, I can tell this because he deleted some of the incoming delivery failure messages while I was digging around. This time I download all of the lists he used. 106 in total coming out to 1.6MB. If your average email address is about 20 bytes that makes this roughly 80,000 emails. Too bad, this list is worth money and I know places where people buy and sell this sort of stuff all the time but my ethics make it impossible for me to profit from this list (unless maybe I contact the scammer and sell his own list to him) so this thing is mostly just a curio item for me. I wonder where he's getting all these email addresses, if he bought them or has a crawler running somewhere.

I probably won't update much here unless somebody is interested because all I intend to do today is diff todays list with yesterdays and if they are not the same, send out another mass embarrassment for him, this time with the universities contact information on the list so they surely know what is going on. Chances are the lists are different since I didn't get any mail from him today.

I have removed any specific links since the server came back online and they didn't fix their dismal security situation. If anybody is interested in using it for their own purposes or just checking it out, it is the universities choice to keep it open to the public so just PM me and I'll send you the info I have.


Well-Known Member
I would really like to know what happens when you decide to conclude your fun. make it a good one!


Well-Known Member
sounds like a waste of time. i get those emails everyday, about 10 of them and i throw them all out. why would anyone take that serously? if you think someone in nigeria who you never met has some kind of inheritance for you and you fall for that crap, you have a mental problem and should seek help.

i would be appreciative if u could get me off the list lol


Active Member
sounds like a waste of time. i get those emails everyday, about 10 of them and i throw them all out. why would anyone take that serously? if you think someone in nigeria who you never met has some kind of inheritance for you and you fall for that crap, you have a mental problem and should seek help.

i would be appreciative if u could get me off the list lol
Hmm, get you off his list? How about I get his list off the internet for a couple days and cost him money.

I didn't think anybody would be watching or subbing this but I'll update you on what has happened so far.
Saturday I decided to enlist the help of a friend to do the same thing as before with his new list. I also typed up a new email from that hastily written one. My friend arrived late so we never finished by the time the server shut down. It seems the server actually shuts down every night at 10:00pm eastern. The next morning I logged in early around 0600 and finished sending. Not a half hour after I cleaned up my traces I see activity. The spammer had logged in at around 0730 and started sending his spam. I noticed this time he was deleting his sent messages after every few sends so I quickly went into the trash and recovered them all. Then I caught up with him and started copying them down as he was sending. After he logged off I launched the same email again after a couple minutes. Took him about 3x as long to send it all as it took me to undo it.

Now for the getting him off the internet part. I think I might perform an experiment. I'll just type up an email explaining that I broke into this spammer's account. Remember I have copied his IP address with a timestamp. Provide this evidence in the email as well as the times he logs on and where he goes which they can easily pull from router logs. The ISP is in Nigeria which means they have virtually no law enforcement willing to enforce internet crimes. However the VisaFone has a specific spam complaint email address, probably because they don't like spammers using large amounts of bandwidth and answering complaints is a waste of manhours.
A few people are responding. If you think of it, most people will ignore whatever was sent and delete it and I'll only see the few that bother to type something. If the title catches their eye and was sent from an address they just got spam from asking to help bust the spammer, I might have enough people forward a pre-typed complaint to the address I specify. If the spammer disappears for a few days while he finds another ISP then the conclusion to the experiment is LOL.

Another alternate way to dick around with him and waste his time would be perhaps to contact him and see if I can sell him a large email list on the cheap or maybe if he does not understand how law enforcement works, I could threaten him with inside information he probably does not expect others to have like how he is living somewhere within Port Harcourt, Victoria Island Nigeria. The cell tower is at 12, Ologun Agbaje Street. Who knows maybe he's dumb enough to buy back his own list or at least I could make him look like a fool and maybe discourage him from this line of work a little bit by scaring him into thinking Mossad or the CIA is after him.

Here are some of the replies people have been giving. Again it's all pointless with the volume of emails in there.
пшёл вон, спамер!

get the hell off my mail! i am reporting you to the police.... low life!!!

dont forward your emails to me.

fuck off

Ha,ha you can keep your money!

I dont do fraud sir
Below is a copy of all of the emails he uses. I gave them titles of my own however in retrospect I should have just used the email title.
If you've never seen them, they are always poorly typed and impersonal. It is clear that the Nigerians have no understanding of western society. I'm amazed that these scams ever work.
You have been approved to be paid $9,000,000.00USD.
From the recently concluded online lottery games.

Send approval code to the online coco coordinator 8T5HGF by
contacting your claim's agent via

You have been choosing by the United Nations Lottery Board in collaboration with ECOWAS For a Random Lottery winnings.
Contact this secured email now for details and claimings.
Note you must reply with the subject 'UNLB'.It is important
Email [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] )

Good Day, Let me formally introduce myself to you, my name is Mr. Allen Large. I and my dear wife Violet won a Jackpot Lottery of $11.3 million in July 2010 and have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $950,000.00 USD to you as part of our own charity project to improve the lot of 5 lucky individuals all over the continents of the world. If you have received this email today then you are one of the lucky recipients and all you have to do is get back to us so that we can send your details to the payout bank. Please provide us your full name, Date of birth, telephone, address, country. You have to contact my private email ( [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] )


This is a personal email directed to you. Let me formally introduce myself to you, my name is Mr. Allen Large. I and my dear wife Violet won a Jackpot  
Lottery of $11.3 million in July 2010 and have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $500,000.00 USD to you as part of our own charity project to improve 
the lot of 5 lucky individuals all over the continents of the world. If you have received this email today then you are one of the lucky recipients and all 
you have to do is get back to us so that we can send your details to the payout bank. Please provide us your full name, Date of birth, telephone, address, 
country,. You can verify this by visiting the web pages below.

You have to contact my private email*( [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] )*
Good luck,

Allen and Violet Large
Email: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]


Email : [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
Allen and Violet Large

Clydesdale Bank PLC
International Banking
30 St Vincent Place,
G1 2HL

Dear Customer,

Re: Authentication to Credit Your Account With £3,800,000.00 POUNDS

We the Management of Clydesdale Bank PLC wish to congratulate and inform you that after the thorough review of your Inheritance/Contract Funds Transfer release documents in conjunction with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Assessment Report, your payment file was forwarded to us for immediate transfer of a part-payment of £3,800,000.00 GBP to your designated bank account from their offshore account with us.

The audit report(s) given to us, shows that you have been going through hard times to see to the release of your funds, which has been delayed by some dubious officials.

We therefore advice that you stop further communication with any correspondence outside this office since you do not have to pay to the bank any fee to receive your funds as you have met up with the whole funds transfer requirements.

The only thing required from you is to obtain the Funds Clearance Permit to enable us credit your account directly by telegraphic transfer or through any of our corresponding banks and send copies of the funds transfer release documents to you and your bankers for confirmation.

Should you follow our directives, your funds will be credited and reflect in your bank account within five (5) bank working days from the day you obtain this Funds Clearance Permit.

For further details and assistance on this Remittance Notification, kindly forward your 


Directly to my private E-mail: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL] 

Yours truely, 
Mrs. Veronica Samuel
International Banking
Clydesdale Bank PLC
United Kingdom

It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the tune of 20million dollars for more info contact director of payment rev.KOFFI NELSON on +233265053095 with your information wish is Age,Sex,Name,occupation,tel,
Mr.Alex-action Johnson
CC: Federal Bureau of Investigation
CC: National Central Bureau of Interpol

Olinga Gold Mining &Sales Company.
A Division of Olinga  family  Limited.
Email: [EMAIL=""][/EMAIL]
Phone:+233 2696949560


For a real and legal gold mining and sales company contact Olinga gold mining Limited Company. 

The Olinga gold mining and sales company hereby draft this mail to notify you that the company is in search of people all part of the world who will work as a company representatives under Olinga gold mining and sales company as this is the only way to enable the company  meet up  with the sales target.


Olinga mining company is a big mining gold company that invested money into gold mining machines and employed  one hundred and fifty workers who are working in the gold land,which if you are interested to come in person to view the gold land  Olinga company is ready to welcome you and in the case if you wish to go into partnership with  Olinga company both of us can draft an agreement of partnership to enable us move forward for a joint  partnership investment.


In the area to work as a sales representative under Olinga mining company in your country or any part of the world,as at last year Olinga gold  mining  company exploits a lot of golds but there  was a low sales due to this low sales  Olinga  Limited  Company  held a board  of directors meetings and as  a  result to this  meeting a suggestion came up that  in order to meet up  with the sales, the company have to search  for trusted people  from any part of the world to work as a sales representatives who will  assist for  sales for the future benefits of  Olinga gold mining company,it is based on this that we are searching for trusted people who can handle this position on behalf of Olinga gold mining company limited.


The condition of your service.


Olinga gold mining company limited will send you golds through Airway bill  and forward to you the documents for clearance in your country hereafter clearance you  have to sell the golds and work out 15% of the total sales for yourself and then send the remaining to Olinga gold mining company limited.

Any  interested person should fill the under drafted  information and forward it through mail to Olinga gold mining company limited as to enable the company lift the goods for delivery to your country for sales.


1 First  Name......................................................
2 Last  Name......................................................
4 Present job position.........................................
8 Contact  phone  number....................................


CEO. Joe Olinga.



Thank you for taking time to read about us. My names are {Gerrard Wilfred} I am searching for an optimistic and loving nanny from any country who can help with the daily routine of raising my gorgeous kids. I live in UK {Leeds} with my two kids without my wife. I am a working professional as a lawyer. I have found memories of sharing our home and family with people looking for new international experience,  We are looking for a nanny that is willing to start as soon as possible, depending how long you are willing to stay. I will provide you with a room and your own Personal toilet and bathroom.I will pay you 1 thousand pounds monthly and a pocket money of 100 pounds weekly so as to enable you study any course that will add more values to your life.

 Your duties involves getting the children up and dressed for school, dropping them off in the morning, and also picking them  after school. Your working hours is 6 hours daily weekdays, while you have Saturdays and Sundays as your free days, We eat healthy, fun living and need someone who has a positive outlook on life. We need help with organizing and keeping the children clothes, room and equipment in order,You Must have a passion for children and earnestly want them to be your first priority, the children school is withing walking distance and on the same street as our house.  Light housekeeping, laundry and grocery shopping during the day is also required. There is a college nearby that offers all kind of English classes, ranging from Language courses to Sports, and everything in between. There are other school and facilities located nearby also.

I look forward to hearing from you and also willing to welcome you in my home as member of my family. I on behalf of my wonderful kids wish you the best in your present endeavors over there in your country and we are also waiting to embrace you with the warmth, love and most importantly the peace that your heart always desires.

Here is my Personal email for quick response. (

If anybody wants to reply to those scams to waste his time with fake information or pranks, feel free. Tell me if you can get him to cuss at you.

hope full

Active Member
Bro! Me and my girl allmost got jacked by one of these fuckers, he was on craigslist renting a house, we contacted the email adress givin byhim and he talked a dam good game, then he said we were approved and he asked for my cell number to discuss the house, hahaha mother fucker calls me im like what the hell is he even saying I really could not understand a word he was saying, so he starts emailing me again ik ike

hope full

Active Member
Saying that I needed to wire him some money so he could fed x me the keys to the house and lease agreement, that was it haha my girl drove to the house he was supposedly renting knocks on the door and a guy answers she informs him of whats going on, but heres the kicker, from my opinion he was in on it to, he was also nigerian and didnt even seemed shocked at all!!! Funny shit man haha


Active Member
Is there anyway you can sign this guy up for a bunch of really crazy porn, like beastiality and stuff like tub girl? I bet he would love that.


Well-Known Member
Is there anyway you can sign this guy up for a bunch of really crazy porn, like beastiality and stuff like tub girl? I bet he would love that.
Sign the spammer up for spam...good call!

""Gr0w yur peni$ in tw0 week$" style.


Active Member
Well I'm back. Work tempo and the fact that I don't like to fuck around with "unauthorized tech stuff" while I'm high and... well after work I've been beat.

Spamming a spammer would have no result. They change emails frequently enough that it would not affect them much... however. If you spam those email addresses that they're asking people to reply to with legitimate sounding replies, it will be a monumental waste of time for the spammer because he cannot effectively automate the replies.

I'm wondering if maybe writing a script that will generate polymorphic replies and mass mail them to the spammer. Since each reply will look different and they clearly aren't native English, it would be very hard to determine which ones are real and which are fake. Just let him keep spamming while running this little scheme until he figures it out and adapts. Once he does this, just re-acquire his IP and assail his ISP with complaints of spam and hacking attempts complete with falsified log files. It wouldn't have to stand up in court, just piss off the ISP enough that they close his account.

Personal things take priority over fun stuff like this so sorry if you guys are hoping for more. I don't often have much time so if anybody would like to help me do a few tasks, that would be cool. Things that might help is tracking which IP addresses he's using (I can instruct any layman to do this easily, it's not technical really) to see if he's working alone or has other accounts we can close. I might write that script in the mean time. I mean it's not too hard to just type up a bunch of parts to an email and randomly past things together but that becomes tedious and I'm inexperienced in shell code so it'll be another opportunity to sharpen my skills. The script would probably take me under a day to write if I focused, maybe a week with the amount of time I have now.
I'll log on to the webmail server tomorrow morning and post his latest reply emails if anybody wants to talk to him pretending to be a victim to find out more about how they work and post it here while I'm occupied scripting and whatnot, that would be helpful.

Man, this thread is starting to look like some other forums I attend on and off. I had better spark up and go to bed now. Good night everybody.