id tell you guys to get into motogp, but thats turning pretty gay now too with the 800cc limitation. Just not real anymore. Im about to start watching just the superbike stuff, i hear they get over 200 there frequently and remember, there on 2 wheels, with tires getting about 2 inches of traction from tire contact. Motorcycle racing is way more entertaining than car racing. And not that car racing is boring, but with restrictors and politics and nonsense all racing sucks and motorycle racing is way more dangerous so its got the death appeal that makes it more fun.
nah, im not even here right now...
anyway id pay a few hundred dollars easy for a chance to even ride any of the official tracks for a little while. Id try some fuckin knees and be sooooo blazed
you lucky bastard. Id love to know which track, but dont bother now, too much personal, but damn that sounds sweet. Riding a sick bike on a sick track. Motorcycles are my other passion. Besides technology like everyone else but yeah, i want to buy a hyabusa some day. No car for me yet, winters suck but hey, summers a blast with my kawasaki.