It's Not Illegal Though..Is It?


Well-Known Member
so, i failed a drug test using the certo method (no cash) and was uninvited from employment opportunity..trouble is, the lab had an incorrect phone number for me, so i never had a re-test and wasn't told about the failed test until i showed for training 20 days later..they sent me a copy of my background with nothing on it except for this 'registered drug test' results which now looks like it's part of my background check.

#1 is this 'registered drug test' a permanent part of my background?

my quandry:

#2 there are several states now which allow recreational use..if i vacationed in one, how can they hold you to another states testing laws? there is no law saying i can't smoke in colo when i'm on vacation and still live in another state..i'm not allowed to have a vacation?

stoners unite!:cuss:

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#1- I think you're good. I'm not a lawyer but I don't think they can release your private screening.

#2- smoke. If it's legal in that state, smoke away. Just don't try to take any of it out the state with you when you leave.
#1- I think you're good. I'm not a lawyer but I don't think they can release your private screening.

#2- smoke. If it's legal in that state, smoke away. Just don't try to take any of it out the state with you when you leave.

Given that many comanies in legal states are still testing and firing if positive, regardless of the legal nature, would this really be the way it is when being tested back in a non-legal state? Medical is one thing, but i can't really see why recreational means that you can't be tested etc. Alcohol is legal but i can't go to work if i've alcohol in my system. I recall hearing that they were finally begining to roll out tests that would actually test for being under the influence rather than testing to see if you have cannabis in your system 3 weeks after the event.
Given that many comanies in legal states are still testing and firing if positive, regardless of the legal nature, would this really be the way it is when being tested back in a non-legal state? Medical is one thing, but i can't really see why recreational means that you can't be tested etc. Alcohol is legal but i can't go to work if i've alcohol in my system. I recall hearing that they were finally begining to roll out tests that would actually test for being under the influence rather than testing to see if you have cannabis in your system 3 weeks after the event.


the message are not allowed to recreate with something legal. the metabolites are present 4-6 weeks depending on your BMI..some men can smoke 24/7, and if their BMI is low, they can test negative in a few days to week..women have boobs, ass and thighs all of which contain fatty tissue to protect us in case of famine.

you are being told what you can do in your off time. with a legal substance no less.

you can do alcohol, vics, percs, meth, H..anything you want..but flower?:wall:

hmmmmm i wonder how i can bring suit against them?:mrgreen:
Here's how the man rolls on us in Alaska.

Lynne Curry: Pot's legal, but I got fired for using it anyway. Can I sue?
June 30, 2015

Q: We legalized pot in this state in February, so can you tell me how I got fired for THC on my drug test last week? I smoke in my house and on my own time and it’s none of my employer’s business.

My buddies tell me I should sue my employer for violating my rights. Can I?

A: Although we legalized recreational marijuana use in Alaska, you probably don’t have a winnable lawsuit, particularly if your organization has a zero-tolerance policy regarding drug use.

In June, the Colorado Supreme Court unanimously ruled that an employer’s zero-tolerance drug policy allows employers to fire individuals who fail company-sponsored drug tests. In the Colorado case, an employee made quadriplegic by a car accident used marijuana to control leg spasms.

Although the employee insisted he never used marijuana while at work, the employer fired him for testing positive. The employee argued he had protection under Colorado’s lawful activities statute. The Court noted that because marijuana is illegal under federal law, it couldn’t be considered a “lawful activity” under Colorado’s lawful activities statute.

Further, although many state medical marijuana laws create an affirmative defense against criminal prosecution for medically used marijuana, they do not give patients an affirmative right to use marijuana, which would protect an employee with a legitimate need from being fired.

The Colorado ruling is the latest in a series of national decisions denying job protection to state-sanctioned medical marijuana users who medicate off-duty, and by extrapolation, to recreational marijuana users. Colorado’s law additionally legalized marijuana for recreational use, but allows employers to prohibit marijuana use by their employees.

If Alaska courts rule similarly to Colorado’s Supreme Court, your employer’s policy likely trumps state laws allowing recreational marijuana use. While your buddies correctly believe employees can take their employers to court when employer policies violate employee rights under state law, they’re forgetting federal law. Federal law considers marijuana use illegal and defines marijuana as a Schedule I drug, with no acceptable medical use. The federal Controlled Substance Act pre-empts any provision of state law that conflicts with federal law.

Where does this leave you as an employee and your employer? Under Alaska law, you can recreationally use a limited amount of marijuana in your own home. If your employer has a zero-tolerance drug policy, your private use can result in your being fired.

Meanwhile, some employers now omit THC from pre-employment drug screens and have modified their drug policies to allow exceptions for legal drug use. A case can be made that an employee’s occasional off-the-clock, recreational marijuana use doesn’t impact on-the-job performance.

Other employers hesitate to change their existing policies, fearing that any loosening of well-established polices may impact workplace safety. We’re urging our clients to review their policies, before they lose long-term, high-performing employees whose private marijuana use shows up in random or scheduled drug testing.
Thats what im thinking...what you do at home is your business....if yu come to work drunk or hungover smelling like a brewery you get dealt with...if you come to work get dealt with ......

I am just waiting for a random and get popped and fired myself ......and I have a $24/hr hate to loose
they're not going to share that with anyone. It's not in their interest to get sued.

Not if the release she signed ok'd the dissemination of info. Most pre-employment apps also have a hold harmless paragraph to protect them.

Also this, CA for example:

"California employers must protect the confidentiality of any medical information they receive. (CMIA, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 56.20-56.245) This contrasts with the federal HIPAA regulations. HIPAA considers protected health information (PHI) used for employment purposes as part of an employment record rather than a medical record and therefore not entitled to privacy protection. (45 CFR § 160.103; 45 CFR § 164.512(b)(1)(v)) “PHI” is the equivalent of “medical information” in California law.

As with pre-employment medical exams, it is unclear whether this protection extends to a job applicant's drug tests. If a prospective employer requests a drug test after making an offer and withdraw's the offer as a result of the test, you should ask to have documentation of the test results returned to you."

the message are not allowed to recreate with something legal. the metabolites are present 4-6 weeks depending on your BMI..some men can smoke 24/7, and if their BMI is low, they can test negative in a few days to week..women have boobs, ass and thighs all of which contain fatty tissue to protect us in case of famine.

you are being told what you can do in your off time. with a legal substance no less.

you can do alcohol, vics, percs, meth, H..anything you want..but flower?:wall:

hmmmmm i wonder how i can bring suit against them?:mrgreen:

What i'm getting is the message is that they need to update their drug test to test for influence, not traces. That is where the problem lies. And you can recreate with something legal all you want. Your job testing on that is a copletely different thing. Things seem to be getting twisted here a little.
Thats what im thinking...what you do at home is your business....if yu come to work drunk or hungover smelling like a brewery you get dealt with...if you come to work get dealt with ......

I am just waiting for a random and get popped and fired myself ......and I have a $24/hr hate to loose

I have a very strict drug policy; anyone who tests negative for THC gets fired!
Not if the release she signed ok'd the dissemination of info. Most pre-employment apps also have a hold harmless paragraph to protect them.

Also this, CA for example:

"California employers must protect the confidentiality of any medical information they receive. (CMIA, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 56.20-56.245) This contrasts with the federal HIPAA regulations. HIPAA considers protected health information (PHI) used for employment purposes as part of an employment record rather than a medical record and therefore not entitled to privacy protection. (45 CFR § 160.103; 45 CFR § 164.512(b)(1)(v)) “PHI” is the equivalent of “medical information” in California law.

As with pre-employment medical exams, it is unclear whether this protection extends to a job applicant's drug tests. If a prospective employer requests a drug test after making an offer and withdraw's the offer as a result of the test, you should ask to have documentation of the test results returned to you."

This is a great way for an employer to get sued. Legal or not, that's an expensive paragraph.
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Not if the release she signed ok'd the dissemination of info. Most pre-employment apps also have a hold harmless paragraph to protect them.

Also this, CA for example:

"California employers must protect the confidentiality of any medical information they receive. (CMIA, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 56.20-56.245) This contrasts with the federal HIPAA regulations. HIPAA considers protected health information (PHI) used for employment purposes as part of an employment record rather than a medical record and therefore not entitled to privacy protection. (45 CFR § 160.103; 45 CFR § 164.512(b)(1)(v)) “PHI” is the equivalent of “medical information” in California law.

As with pre-employment medical exams, it is unclear whether this protection extends to a job applicant's drug tests. If a prospective employer requests a drug test after making an offer and withdraw's the offer as a result of the test, you should ask to have documentation of the test results returned to you."

i do have documentation.

they sent me a copy of the background they ran and my 'registered drug test'..since it was in the same report as background info (part of) it concerns me that this would become part of my 'background' for any other potential employer..but it also states that they (lab) could not 'get in touch with donor' = re-test that never happened. my employment history kinda at a level where i haven't been tested by corps for 15 years..they don't want to know, what makes us, make them money..:wink:
does the report in the background check state that you have failed the drug test or just that you've taken one?

Just do as has been suggested above. Read the documentation. If you did not sign a document stating they could release confidential information to anyone who asked for it, then what is the problem?
Thats what im thinking...what you do at home is your business....if yu come to work drunk or hungover smelling like a brewery you get dealt with...if you come to work get dealt with ......

I am just waiting for a random and get popped and fired myself ......and I have a $24/hr hate to loose

personally, when i had to drug test in the past i've used synthetic only which has obviously has worked every time in the past.

totally worth the $50. bought one to keep around..pop in the micro for 10 sec and right between the boobies..for men right under your balls the 2-3oz bottle fits perfectly and is kept body temp.

this test was split specimen..don't flush the toilet..bag locked up..i'll be prepared for the next.

it was just i didn't have the money to get:sad:
does the report in the background check state that you have failed the drug test or just that you've taken one?

Just do as has been suggested above. Read the documentation. If you did not sign a document stating they could release confidential information to anyone who asked for it, then what is the problem?

it states it.

they make you sign a lot of papers that you aren't given copies of.

the problem? you are being penalized..i noticed that the test doesn't include alcohol panel.
personally, when i had to drug test in the past i've used synthetic only which has obviously has worked every time in the past.

totally worth the $50. bought one to keep around..pop in the micro for 10 sec and right between the boobies..for men right under your balls the 2-3oz bottle fits perfectly and is kept body temp.

this test was split specimen..don't flush the toilet..bag locked up..i'll be prepared for the next.

it was just i didn't have the money to get:sad:

Cant do it all the time...they have people that will come to the work and piss ya on the spot