It's possible to finish after the chop In a vase like idea???


Active Member
I have to chop but she's not ready, I heard someone say that you can take the stalks and put them in a vase and they will continue on just like flowers in a vase???
Would that really work? I mean it's a small plant so I was thinking about it,
has anyone evr tried this???? It seems to me of it worked more people would be doing this. Wonder if you could add nutes to the water????? any ideas?
Just puttin it out there what do you guys think???


Active Member
Ya maybe put her In A nice window foliar feed possibly and if need be put an aero rock in the container or whatnot.
This is not intended to be done for more than say 2 weeks at MOST
Why do people expect an answer so quickly on this site? You were stating your frustration less than 1 hour after your initial post??????????


Active Member
That is not helping me.......
Also it's not just this one pos.
Btw can u take a joke?????
Why u watchin Me so close anyways?


Active Member
Lol, nah man I stay in the bricks- ya know down by letssay buried treasure, decent shop.
Nice to finally see a Local though


Active Member
So does anyone know anything about this???
I would like to take a nice cola and let it go for a few weeks by itself
this way,to give her the time she needs. Where she is now is no longer an option.


Well-Known Member
well if you have to cut it you have to cut it right. So just cut it, try it out and let us know lol. Whats it gonna hurt? Idk about the foliar feeding tho, if i were you I would just let the stalk absorb the water as it would naturally and keep the buds dry.


Well-Known Member
cut flowers survive in water but they dont continue to grow. if you do this with your plant its not gonna pack on anymore weight once you chop it. no roots = no growth. the trichs could possibly mature a little more but i doubt by much. it wouldnt last more than a week probably before it just starts to dies. adding nutes or flolier feeding will just make you end up with nasty tasting bud that burns shitty.

put it in a vase with some babies breath and set the table for dinner.


Well-Known Member
And y is it that you need to chop? If you are willing to grow it in a vase you are able to grow it inside right? Can't move the plant inside instead of choppping?