its prolly too late but what did i do wrong


what did i do wrong... 4X4X4.5 grow box with an ebb and flow system and a 1000wt HPS.. I think the lite is too close but do not know for sure. I'm at day 55 and the strain is pineapple kush. any thoughts?2011-07-11 13.25.33.jpg2011-07-11 13.25.53.jpg2011-07-11 13.25.24.jpg2011-07-11 13.26.05.jpg


Well-Known Member
wow you fried the shit outta them huh? its not the light if it was all your tops would be fried. w/o any more info my guess is major over-fertilizing


it never got over 84 in the box and averaged between 78 and 81 but i don't understand kelvin temps versus regular old temps. is it way overkill to have a 1k lite in a box where i have only 56 inches from the bottom of the aircooled hood to the flood tray... thats the hood at it very highest point


Well-Known Member
like i said bro the problem is not your light if it was your light burnig them the tops would be burnt also not just the leaves. i dont do hydro but im pretty sure you've burnt it by over fertilizing.