It's raining It's pouring


Well-Known Member
Rains comin up CA RIU, norcal guys best be ready! I'm listening to people freakin out not knowing what to do here while I am happy as a clam - pulled it all 2 days ago:) No battling mold for me this year guys - everything was done after a heat wave last week :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Its headed our way. My he-who-must-not-be-named relative in an undisclosed neighboring medical state has at least 4 plants still not ready. I told him he is shit out of luck. He hung up on me. The nerve! :p


Well-Known Member
Its headed our way. My he-who-must-not-be-named relative in an undisclosed neighboring medical state has at least 4 plants still not ready. I told him he is shit out of luck. He hung up on me. The nerve! :p
Lol :P know some people who still have half/whole crops out, big ones too lmao. When I drive to town I can see somebody I don't even knows grow and he has some huge plants but they are still out too, rain, thunder, lightning... Glad I pulled when I did:)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I considered growing outdoors this summer but had a tough time of it so I postponed until next year. My biggest concern is the monsoon season. We get some ferocious weather.


Well-Known Member
I considered growing outdoors this summer but had a tough time of it so I postponed until next year. My biggest concern is the monsoon season. We get some ferocious weather.
Find some strains that grow good in your area. I found out blue dream grows really well in my area(12-15 ft tall)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Find some strains that grow good in your area. I found out blue dream grows really well in my area(12-15 ft tall)
NW New Mexico has weird weather shifts. One day it's 80 and the next it could be 32. Ya never know. We go from triple digit weather for months to below zero weather for weeks. One winter we can enjoy Christmas outside without coats. Other years we're unfreezing our pipes from weeks of below zero weather and feet of snow. I have a feeling this winter is going to be bitterly cold with lots of snow.


Well-Known Member
NW New Mexico has weird weather shifts. One day it's 80 and the next it could be 32. Ya never know. We go from triple digit weather for months to below zero weather for weeks. One winter we can enjoy Christmas outside without coats. Other years we're unfreezing our pipes from weeks of below zero weather and feet of snow. I have a feeling this winter is going to be bitterly cold with lots of snow.
Well I know in my area it can be 105 one week and freezing/raining the next - it's being proven again right now:) Always keep an eye on the weather when you are growing outdoors - dont wanna get caught with your pants down in the freezing cold and pouring rain :S

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well I know in my area it can be 105 one week and freezing/raining the next - it's being proven again right now:) Always keep an eye on the weather when you are growing outdoors - dont wanna get caught with your pants down in the freezing cold and pouring rain :S
sounds like a couple of dates I've been on. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Its headed our way. My he-who-must-not-be-named relative in an undisclosed neighboring medical state has at least 4 plants still not ready. I told him he is shit out of luck. He hung up on me. The nerve! :p
Tell voldermlrorts relative to cast some spells on the plants to keep them dry!


Well-Known Member
We have gotton so much rain this year it's boring lol.
*gotten if you must. Received would be better.

Lol up here in Seattle, where we're know for rain, we haven't had legitimate measurable rain beyond .10 inches of rain since early July. It been a crazy good grow season on the west coast this year for almost anything. If you haven't finished yet on the west coast, you probably didn't have enough direct sun during the last two months.

Lol my peppers did better than the couple cannabis plants I threw out in the back yard. Mainly because I tried to hide the pot, thus less sunlight. Peppers were out front getting great sun. Wish I had a better location for outdoor, my back yard has wat tooany tall trees for sept-oct flowering.


New Member
Figured it was spelt wrong when I seen that red squiggly line underneath, but didn't care enough to spell check it lol, thanks tho.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Tell voldermlrorts relative to cast some spells on the plants to keep them dry!
I would. Really I would. But every time I call him I have this uncontrollable urge to say, "Told ya so!" He hangs up on me every time. (I told him it was too late to plant clones when he did) The amusement factor hasn't worn off yet. Plus, he keeps answering. Dumb ass.


Well-Known Member
I would. Really I would. But every time I call him I have this uncontrollable urge to say, "Told ya so!" He hangs up on me every time. (I told him it was too late to plant clones when he did) The amusement factor hasn't worn off yet. Plus, he keeps answering. Dumb ass.
Lmfao that one is great