No collusion, no collaboration by Trump campaign. Shocking. No conclusion on obstruction one way or the other. So what's all the fuss been about?
"did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election activities".

"did not draw a conclusion -- one way or the other -- as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction of justice".

LOL, hardly an exoneration.

Too funny that you are citing words from that summary report that do not exist. Then again, you defend Nazis.
"did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election activities".

"did not draw a conclusion -- one way or the other -- as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction of justice".

LOL, hardly an exoneration.

Too funny that you are citing words from that summary report that do not exist. Then again, you defend Nazis.
You are a joke.
I just read the report summary.

Mueller let him go. No conspiracy of any kind and he (Mueller) made no determination on obstruction, but simply listed evidence found and left it to the AG to decide.

Of course, the AG has decided that there was no obstruction.

The AG is also classifying the evidence.

It will be up to Congress. Mueller let Trump get away with it all.
I have yet to see any illegal campaign contributions. I assume you are talking about Stormy BS? Linking that as a campaign contribution is ridiculous and would NEVER hold up in court. Some shady plea deal with a liar protecting his wife and family? SOunds legit

Having a Obama appointed DA from NY say it is doesn't make that so.
A copy of a check for more than a hundred of thousand dollars with Trump's signature on it says you are wrong. FACT
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Have you checked out the roster of doners for his innegrial committee? 40% of them listed fake names and fake addresses that don't show up on any mp, plus they all were donated through fake LLC's and other 'holding' coorportions. How do you explain all the foreign doners to his campaign? You know it's illegal, right?
Why did dem leadership LIE about having proof of Russian collusion for the past two years? Why did they think their deep state operatives could operate with impunity?
Have you checked out the roster of doners for his innegrial committee? 40% of them listed fake names and fake addresses that don't show up on any mp, plus they all were donated through fake LLC's and other 'holding' coorportions. How do you explain all the foreign doners to his campaign? You know it's illegal, right?

That's more SDNY. Mueller isn't doing anything but obstruction and collusion.
Time will tell but judging by team, I wouldn't hold my breath he is a real Republican but certainly someone who wants to protect the integrity of the corrupt FBI. He was leader of the FBI during its most shady time period.
Speaking of knowing history. . . . . .

Why did dem leadership LIE about having proof of Russian collusion for the past two years? Why did they think their deep state operatives could operate with impunity?
Why did you lie and say dems are for open borders?

PS I can see proof of collusion with my own eyes. Why can’t you?
I apologize for all prior comments today, I understand some good members are in a grieving process os sorts. You have my thoughts, prayers, and sympathy. :peace:
I apologize for all prior comments today, I understand some good members are in a grieving process os sorts. You have my thoughts, prayers, and sympathy. :peace:
You are in complete denial of reality

Deal with your own inabilities to face reality
You guys lost the house by 10 points just 5 months ago

People hate you

Americans hate you

i gave a ride to a trump voter and he said worst mistake he ever made..cost him several hundreds of thousands in his business because prices were raised on lumber and steel way before tax levy went into effect and that he thinks trump is 'on the take'..i asked if he was going to vote for him again in 2020:lol:
For the last two years: Russia Russia Russia! Mueller will send Trump and family to prison, impeachment, etc. Just wait!
Now: Mueller report is not important, just the beginning, SDNY!

Ha ha ha, so funny. I hope dems double down on all this and go even nuttier, makes for great belly laughs.

trump is as dirty as the day is the books is against the law and one reason why michael cohen is going to jail.

i'd like to see the report- not someone's opinion and form my own.
You must sound so fucking brilliant to these fucking losers. You are such a dip shit. How much coin you owe uncle sam? You got hosed if its above 5k
You made points? Clearly not sharp ones. Remind me
Do you really have hair like that dude? Donate that shit to some cancer patient man and stop honking yourself by looking like Henrietta down at the Clinque counter. Damn son! I'm not into bullying man, but in case nobody told you. REO speedwagon ain't in town anymore. I'm looking out for you. Its a better life with less hair. I don't care

Holy Shit, I say that all you post are juvenile deflections, so you follow by doing just that!

Thanks for proving my point, cheese whiz! :lol:
