its taking to long


Active Member
im only growing 1 plant right now and have a few more being germinated but im using a 25w cfl about 4inches away with a clay pot about 8 inches in diameter and running the lights 18 on and 6 off..but my question is i know im only 2 weeks into it..but im just now starting to get my 6th set of leaves:confused:..what bulb can i change it to so that that growth will pick up pace..i really dont have all the extra money to go an get some hps's since it is a closet grow and all..P.S once it is a nice descent height it is going to be transferred outside..i just thik its a little to cold for it right now being that its only from about 60-75 for now with partialy cludy days at times..any help is greatly appreciated.thanks


Well-Known Member
simply put, get a higher wattage cfl or add more cfl's. And your two weeks into it...But I'd run 24/0 light cycle, i prefer that over 18/6 for veg. But it may be too late for you to switch over to that, im not sure. Next time try 24/0 for vegging, it grows faster


Well-Known Member
im only growing 1 plant right now and have a few more being germinated but im using a 25w cfl about 4inches away with a clay pot about 8 inches in diameter and running the lights 18 on and 6 off..but my question is i know im only 2 weeks into it..but im just now starting to get my 6th set of leaves:confused:..what bulb can i change it to so that that growth will pick up pace..i really dont have all the extra money to go an get some hps's since it is a closet grow and all..P.S once it is a nice descent height it is going to be transferred outside..i just thik its a little to cold for it right now being that its only from about 60-75 for now with partialy cludy days at times..any help is greatly appreciated.thanks
it can be a number of thigs,
get some pics up and illhave a better idea


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
it can be a number of thigs,
get some pics up and illhave a better idea
very true it all starts at the rootsyou need a good root system in order for a plnt to grow. if you over water slow growth. if your phis off slow growth. if you mix yor nutes to hot and get nutburnslow growth. to cold slow growth. im sure i missed a few things. but thats the major thing you want towatch out for.


Well-Known Member
Im sure you guys know a lot more about growing than I do, im not denying that, im a newb. But I think your making it more complicated then it really is. Hes using ONE 25w cfl and is on 18/6. of course its growing slow.


Active Member
ill be sure to get some pics on later on today..thanks for the heads up about that info..i wasn't even aware of any of switching to a higher cfl and staying as close as i am to the plant.will i burn it at all?


Well-Known Member
ill be sure to get some pics on later on today..thanks for the heads up about that info..i wasn't even aware of any of switching to a higher cfl and staying as close as i am to the plant.will i burn it at all?

A higher wattage cfl would be nice, but even if you add a couple or a few more 25w cfl's you'll be ok. the more light the better! Low wattage cfl's like that dont put off too much heat so you should be ok. Just make sure they dont grow into the light (touch the light) because then yes if they actually touch the light it will burn the leafs.


Active Member
A higher wattage cfl would be nice, but even if you add a couple or a few more 25w cfl's you'll be ok. the more light the better! Low wattage cfl's like that dont put off too much heat so you should be ok. Just make sure they dont grow into the light (touch the light) because then yes if they actually touch the light it will burn the leafs.
thanks man..i'll go to the hardware store tonight hopefully and get a 3way light setup if they have it .pics should be p around 5 or so


Active Member
oh them are leaves. ha ha LOL just kidden. they are looking fine.just water them for a fwe weks then start feeding them. :hump:
haha yeah i just checked on them and happened to find a stink bug of what i believe it was taking a nice climb on the clay pot:evil:..good thing i got there in time. i was looking real close and it already has 6 leaves on it but if you look close enough you can see about 4 others starting to develop:weed:
i'm having the same prob, mine is with over cant stop the rains!..but check that, maybe the soil underneath(two inches down is tightly compacted? that could be a prob)..but I agree, it may need more light(time and strength) or a number of other factors, ill be watching as im sorta in the same boat... also if its bagseed maybe thats a factor?


Active Member
wow man r those really two weeks?they look like week one.u need more lights.n nex time start at 24/0


Active Member
wow man r those really two weeks?they look like week one.u need more lights.n nex time start at 24/0
yeah unfortunately..but its 1 of my first grows so im not all to disappointed with it..what would happen if i just switched over to 24/0 right now instead of 18/6??


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
yeah unfortunately..but its 1 of my first grows so im not all to disappointed with it..what would happen if i just switched over to 24/0 right now instead of 18/6??
i used to og with 24/0 but see better growth with 18/6 myself. :hump:
nice, keep us updated, cause I might pull mine inside and give them some lovin to see what happens... im also on one of my first grows, so nothing is really a disappointment..