Its the economy stupid

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Well-Known Member
Why does everyone think the POTUS sets gas prices???

You think that MFer is just sitting there with a pricetag gun, waiting to slap a higher price on oil barrels at the drop of some fuckery?

Pretty sure a big chunk of it is "demand", with so many of you greedy assholes driving blown out V8s that get like 3 feet per gallon. Not even sure why automakers keep making such bloated shitboxes.


Well-Known Member
Hardly. I'm saying the economy sucks and blaming the last guy is pathetic. It's a level of denial ivr never seen before.
If only we could get the right people in there to fix all our problems. matter which side you're on, the right people have been in charge at one time or another, yet all of these problems still exist. How strange!
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