It's the police!!


Active Member
I got popped with a 6 lighter once and they let me go. The guy who arrested me was cool, asking questions and shit about what thats for and whats this do blah blah... Long story short some cops are cool, they're just playin the game too. Your job is to not get caught and their job is to catch you, just find the balance.


Active Member
I doubt it, If that legal bud was just as good, I'm sure we would know by now. As for medical being watered down, I don't know what you mean, all I know Is that I have never come across good weed like this on the streets.
Alright well thanks for all your help strangerdude562. The legal buds are at an affordable price, and I live alone, so I guess I could try it out and order some. I will do some more research into all this stuff though. Maybe the legal buds are good, but nobody is saying anything because of fear of the government stopping that service. I do think that legal buds being shipped to your door is awesome, however it is not legal cannabis (once again, damn feds).

Anyways, thanks for your info!


Well-Known Member
Alright well thanks for all your help strangerdude562. The legal buds are at an affordable price, and I live alone, so I guess I could try it out and order some. I will do some more research into all this stuff though. Maybe the legal buds are good, but nobody is saying anything because of fear of the government stopping that service. I do think that legal buds being shipped to your door is awesome, however it is not legal cannabis (once again, damn feds).

Anyways, thanks for your info!

No problem, I would suggest to start saving $ and purchase a basic grow kit. You have your own place too, that's perfect. Ain't nothing better than free weed.


Well-Known Member
Don't bother with legal buds lol.

Theres a reason their legal, its because they don't get you high.

Honestly, theres no diffrence between smoking bark off a tree and those legal buds, they just look like cannabis, but thats the only property similar.


Well-Known Member
One more question (sorry). The legal buds that you can order, would that have the same effect as the medicinal marijuana? I mean the buds found in the links on this page. Would they have the same positive effects? I heard medicinal marijuana is somewhat watered down (rumors) and I get my weed from dealers, or my friend who grows it.

If you think about it man, growing is a science. I mean botany. So those guys have it down to a dot and is better than stuff on the streets. And maybe I would venture better than over in Europe. It is all about genetics, well and how you grow. But most of the things people come here to find(how to grow) they already know. But just think of it that way when thinking of which bud is more potent.

And I say this because UPS is kind enough to ship it from cali to texas..