It's Valentine's and I'm not getting laid

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Well-Known Member
no dear i dont notice, wait a min what? i can assure you are assuming i would not wast my time trying to offend you thats why i like rollitup things like this usualy only happen with woman around

anyhow id rather be showing my plants off


Well-Known Member
no dear i dont notice, wait a min what? i can assure you are assuming i would not wast my time trying to offend you thats why i like rollitup things like this usualy only happen with woman around

anyhow id rather be showing my plants off
Mmk... Im not even gonna delve into this with you right now.
Def ruining my high.


Well-Known Member
you girls are great !!

but i get confused who is talking to who ?

kayas, if you click the quote box in the bottom right of the persons post this will help me follow the remarks...:mrgreen:

hello jamie, im smoking one right now for the both of ya...:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
you girls are great !!

but i get confused who is talking to who ?

kayas, if you click the quote box in the bottom right of the persons post this will help me follow the remarks...:mrgreen:

hello jamie, im smoking one right now for the both of ya...:joint::peace:
Oh actually dont worry there will be no more quotes to follow.:blsmoke:

Anyways wassup!


Well-Known Member
well im not sure if i want to quote a person who makes no sence

i never fight with pep so its not that important? but i hate it when people think they are so great everyone is talking to them
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