I've been Robbed!!! WTF!

I suggest it was the turds friend who put him up to this ...he's the one you need to talk too

Hummm, thats a valid and great point. His friend had a little attitude that night.

@blake9999 dude, I have never had balls like that, lol leaving seed out on the desk and all that. shit my grow room is 800 sq ft. The door to my room is a 48" double door it is a locked door. The only reason why this fuck found out is because I had to have the doors off and they were not supposed to be over for another 3 hours. I would have had the doors back on before they came here. So not only did her brother find out but her dad did too! lol Im not worried about her dad at all, hes is cool with it.
@vostok I totally agree, she is a good chick its not her fault her brother did this, I have been contemplating on saying "later" but its not that easy. I am going to chill on the grow for a minute, we are in the process of selling our house and moving. I have a funny feeling that it is going to go the way of me getting a new place of my own. It sucks that this had to happen to us, we have a great relationship, we do not fight, we get along and have a great time together. Fucking looser ass people! Its pretty sad to think that this mother fucker would rat his sister out. But to break into her house in the middle of the night and do this shit, he could have been shot or bit. We have 3 aggressive breed dogs that unfortunately did not hear his fucking ass come in.
You sure it was the brother? Maybe it was the other jerkoff.
I like to tell peeps im growing, see if they have the balls to rob me because id fucking smash their house up and but rape their ass.

Man the fuck up you pussy and set an example or your kids are just gona grow up like sissys.

Fucking take my meds....

he is going to get his. him and his little boyfriend. The more I type the more I get pissed not at you all but at him and this issue. I cant whoop his ass on his dads birthday! But I will whopp their asses when I can find them. I have gone to his house and his job on several attempts. l am going to let her talk to him but I am not done with his little pansy ass. he owes me a lot of money! He stole about a 1/2 pound.
I like to tell peeps im growing, see if they have the balls to rob me because id fucking smash their house up and but rape their ass.

Man the fuck up you pussy and set an example or your kids are just gona grow up like sissys.

Fucking take my meds....
One of your best posts ever! You really had me at butt rape.

Now I'm going to rob you.
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he is going to get his. him and his little boyfriend. The more I type the more I get pissed not at you all but at him and this issue. I cant whoop his ass on his dads birthday! But I will whopp their asses when I can find them. I have gone to his house and his job on several attempts. l am going to let her talk to him but I am not done with his little pansy ass. he owes me a lot of money! He stole about a 1/2 pound.

Half a pound, holy fuuuuuck, i feel your pain. I know id be going straight to court if someone did that to me and on many counts of grevious bodily harm.

Really though chill and learn your lesson, im not that guy but it takes a better man to just let it go.
Punch him in the Dick .....pics or it didn't happen.

Never tell anyone .......EVER!!!

That's what Riu is for .....assume a fake name and talk pot and penis .....and butthole and vagina's ((plural)) etc etc etc ......NM

Dude if he had a dick! This bitch is going to get a cunt punt like a kick from a professional punt kicker!

Thats why I am on RIU so I can have a place to show my work and get to know others who love the same vegetables as we do. I had to take all of my pics down due to all of my pictures having my fucking address on them. When I bought my phone I turned of the location base services for pictures, well some how that fucking option came back on.
Half a pound, holy fuuuuuck, i feel your pain. I know id be going straight to court if someone did that to me and on many counts of grevious bodily harm.

Really though chill and learn your lesson, im not that guy but it takes a better man to just let it go.

Sucks to get old .....((sigh))

Pop another seed and learn from the mistake..... Ass rape and a good shit kicking is much funner.

OP has a double cluster fuck though. Dude will rat if he would steal ....so he's smart to pull his shit out and STOP!! ....SMH
Half a pound, holy fuuuuuck, i feel your pain. I know id be going straight to court if someone did that to me and on many counts of grevious bodily harm.

Really though chill and learn your lesson, im not that guy but it takes a better man to just let it go.

Brother I am trying to let it go I really am. Here's another bad point. I ran out of smoke and This was going to be pulled yesterday to cure and dry, some fast dry so we could smoke in a week or 2. So, now that I am out, I am out! I do not have the extra funds to buy street weed, we smoke way to much for that. So I am going to clean up for a minute or 3 try and land a new job, I have one but I hate it!
Brother I am trying to let it go I really am. Here's another bad point. I ran out of smoke and This was going to be pulled yesterday to cure and dry, some fast dry so we could smoke in a week or 2. So, now that I am out, I am out! I do not have the extra funds to buy street weed, we smoke way to much for that. So I am going to clean up for a minute or 3 try and land a new job, I have one but I hate it!

Get some gay porn on and knock three out in a straight row, trust me you'll feel a lot better after :-)
Sucks to get old .....((sigh))

Pop another seed and learn from the mistake..... Ass rape and a good shit kicking is much funner.

OP has a double cluster fuck though. Dude will rat if he would steal ....so he's smart to pull his shit out and STOP!! ....SMH

I wish I could pop another 10 seeds for that fact. I cannot grow for a while, if he goes to jail I am going to pick up in 3-4 months.