I've got bugs!

OK, I brought my plant in from outside 2 weeks ago. doin' very well indoors but I've apparently brought a few little flying bugs with it. only seen one or two with in the first week and thought I killed them but I went to water today, there were 8 or so flying around. I stayed and killed them all before closing up the closet. now I guess I need to know what you guys suggest for killing these things without hurtin my baby? thnx


Well-Known Member
No pest strips from hot shot. Just be careful to not knock your hair against one of them...nasty outcome, trust me


Active Member
Alright! Fear nothing my friend I have the remedy you were waiting for!

Clear about 1" off of the top of the soil and put a layer of diatomaceous earth on there. If you have any root bound bugs like gnat larva that likes feeding on roots and later comes up to the surface, they will DIE upon entering the diatomaceous earth. It is very abrasive to bugs but harmless to plants. In combination with the diatomaceous earth, I would suggest watering with Neem Oil. The stuff works great for most bugs and even spider mites who come from the white fly family.

If you want further advice or help do not be afraid to message.


Well-Known Member
Word to the wise. Outdoor has all the bad bugs. Don't bring them in. Outside or Inside......