I've got spots (Pics)


Well-Known Member
First grow and everything was going great then I noticed this. Can anyone recognize this? or have a remedy:?: All my specs are in my journal. Thanx in advance riu:roll:



Well-Known Member
That is beyond a shadow of a doubt nute burn.
Thats what I thought...just wanted a conformation. Do you think it is bad? Should I flush or just ride it out? Next on the the schedule is plain water and then water again.


Well-Known Member
deff not nute burn....phosphorus def...or ph shift in soil plant looks healthy check in link in FAQ in the cannabis society and scroll down lots of picks look like you leave have fun it an eyesore more than anything


Well-Known Member
great now im thoroughly confused.:-? bought a ph meter for the soil and it says 6.5 This showed up about 24 hrs after I gave nutes. I did doubled the dose from the first feed. What really mystifies me is I have 15 plants going and they all get the same nutes (amount) and none of the others are doing this. A couple have yellowing lower leaves but nothing like this.:confused:


Active Member
wow...lots of misinformation here.....


or phosphorous def, the viens are going lighter NOT darker.....

100% magnesium deficiency in my view...just cause the others aren't going south doesn't mean they arent suffering

get some commercial fertilizer and should be fixed in a week.

doubling nutes wont help....best thing to do is make a planned increase regiment over 3-5 feeds....doubling nutes could shock the plant and give it root damage.. what kind of nutes are u using? ppm?


Well-Known Member
wow...lots of misinformation here.....


or phosphorous def, the viens are going lighter NOT darker.....

100% magnesium deficiency in my view...just cause the others aren't going south doesn't mean they arent suffering

get some commercial fertilizer and should be fixed in a week.

doubling nutes wont help....best thing to do is make a planned increase regiment over 3-5 feeds....doubling nutes could shock the plant and give it root damage.. what kind of nutes are u using? ppm?
I am using General Hydroponics Floranova Grow 7-4-10 and 1tsp per gallon. dont have ppm:sad: here is a pic I took at dark.



Well-Known Member
i have the same problem and the same hydro and flora nova but i do have a ppm my plants are 2 1/2 feet right now and down 10gals of water in three days im here to see what people say soo whats up


Well-Known Member
Okay. So it still looks like nute burn to me. I don't do soil so maybe I'm not the best guy for answers. If it was my plant (DWC setup) I would just flush the reservoir, that would fix the problem. Can someone please mess with the pictures that have been posted to point out exactly what has shown you why its a certain type of deficiency. I'd like to know why I was wrong with my diagnosis and be able to catch myself in the future before telling something that is wrong or inaccurate again. Rep up for those who help.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i have the same thing going on and i was advised by someone that knows there onions that its Magnesium def check my journal for pics. i was advised a dose of epsom salts £1-2 from the pharmacy will sort it no prob. good luck


Well-Known Member
i have the same thing going on and i was advised by someone that knows there onions that its Magnesium def check my journal for pics. i was advised a dose of epsom salts £1-2 from the pharmacy will sort it no prob. good luck
thankyou so much Don... I read your journal(very nice by the way) and those were the first pics I saw that resemble my prob. I will try the epsom salts. :weed: One question. How much to use and how do I appply it? Cheers:clap:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thankyou so much Don... I read your journal(very nice by the way) and those were the first pics I saw that resemble my prob. I will try the epsom salts. :weed: One question. How much to use and how do I appply it? Cheers:clap:
cheers man im popping my cherry journal wise!

thats what this forums about help someone if you can, ill ask the fella but i think its just add water let it dessolve... i didnt end up using any i just bunged a load of nutrients in and it stopped in its tracks tho i lost a few leaves.



Well-Known Member
nice one gin my plant is getting to be about 3ft and i havent even started to bud them yet my room is 7ft minus the 2ft high flood table and the light will i have enough room to bud this girl she is from a clone


Active Member
i tried to do some searching but i can't seem to tell if their is magnesium in it.....generally speaking ALL fertilizers have N-P-K (nitrogen - phosphorus - potassium) yours is 7-4-10 which is reasonable for the flowering stage

BUT these other helpers vary GREATLY : Calcium, silicone, sulfur, magnesium
AS WELL as traces of boron, chlorine, manganese, iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum

Try to find out if your fertilizer has magnesium...if not find one that does and go on a cycle or two of nutes that are similar if possible to 7-4-10 (so you don't shock the plant) with magnesium...

this should be done over a period of a couple days, but results should be seen pretty quickly...and like with antibiotics...keep on doing it a couple times after the plant looks healthy gradually going back to your old diet if you wish (again...so you dont shock the plant)

be careful of Epsom salts....agriculture wise salt on of the worst things that can happen to plants...try to get some advice before you proceed...i think it would be hard to measure the strength of the salts especially without a ppm reader

best of luck


Well-Known Member
Thank you all who have replied.:weed: I am going to give the epsom salt a go on a couple of the worst affected plants. I will let everyone know the results.


Well-Known Member
micro burst has trace nutes but its not mag def clorosis between veins is a phosporus def but what do I know.... read the FAQ I keep my ph at 5.8-6.2 soil less lots of root growth or low humidity will cause this every time good luck my friend hope ya figure it out just don't try to many things at once :) alaska more bloom 0-10-10