I've set up my web cam to show my final minute.

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wow fuck off all of you.
like im REALLY going to tell you my location.

oh im a jew and a hipster.
you know me so fucking well.
haha :)
you're not going to bring me down.
people hardly get to me because they're mainly all the same.
peace be with you guys <3

if you use a site like this just to gain attention in your obviously useless life...dont get butthurt when you get responses back...not everyone is going to react in a pleasant manner when you make a post like this..this is not us trying to bring you down..we dont really care for people like you..we are here to shut you up...you wanted attention...you got it
if you use a site like this just to gain attention in your obviously useless life...dont get butthurt when you get responses back...not everyone is going to react in a pleasant manner when you make a post like this..this is not us trying to bring you down..we dont really care for people like you..we are here to shut you up...you wanted attention...you got it

And....nope that's it really.
if you use a site like this just to gain attention in your obviously useless life...dont get butthurt when you get responses back...not everyone is going to react in a pleasant manner when you make a post like this..this is not us trying to bring you down..we dont really care for people like you..we are here to shut you up...you wanted attention...you got it

Yet your flats, piercings, dyed hair, over sized glasses and hipster attitude make you unique...

Maryjane read her profile.
i think she claims japan to cover up the fact that she is fugly and no one will dittle her pooter...so she acts that way to be "special" well special she is...like corky from life goes on...but with goofy glasses and a bad haircut
i think she claims japan to cover up the fact that she is fugly and no one will dittle her pooter...so she acts that way to be "special" well special she is...like corky from life goes on...but with goofy glasses and a bad haircut

hahaha shwew, keep it coming man!
you're really showing me!
her original location was VA I saw it when she first posted, whats va stand for virgina? vancover?

here are some things va could stand for
VAVirginia (US postal abbreviation)
VADepartment of Veterans Affairs (US)
VAVeterans Affairs

VAVatican City State (top level domain)
vaVoir Aussi (French: See Also)
VAVisual Arts
VAValue Added
VAVeterans Administration (now Department of Veterans Affairs)
VAVarese (Lombardia, Italy)
VAVarious Artists
VAVanaf (Dutch: From, used in pricing)
VAVirtual Assistant
VAVariable Annuity
VAVice Admiral
VAVisual Acuity
VAVulnerability Assessment
VAVirtual Address
VAValue Analysis
VAVolcanic Ash (METAR obscuration)
VAVirtual Airlines
VAVaginal Atrophy
VAVoice Actor
VAVoluntary Aided (UK school status)
Vinyl Acetate
VAValuation Allowance
VAVariable Account
VAVisual Aid
VAVibration Analysis
VAVital Area
VAVotre Altesse (French: Your Highness)
VAVertex Array (game programming)
VAVeterans Agency (UK government)
VAVirtual Analog
VAValor Award (Australian police award)
VAVideo Amplifier
VAView Askew (gaming, Counter Strike)
VAVertical Angle
VAViterbi Algorithm
VAAircraft speed
VAVelocity Analysis
VAVulnerable Area
VAVehicle Analysis
VAVillous Adenoma
VAVicar Apostolic
VAVickers-Armstrong (British gun manufacturer)
VAViral Arthritis
VAVérification d'Aptitude (Informatique)
VAVerkaufsagent (German: Selling Agent; eBay)
VAVentricular Atrial
VAVariational Approximation
VAVisionAIR, Inc (Atlanta, GA public safety software manufacturer)
VAVacation Absence
VAVerbal Area (audio/video chat software)
VAVisual Accounting
VAViscosity Agent (concrete)
VAVietnamese Airlines
VAVertical Accelerator
VAVulnerability Analyzer (information security)

VAVices Agens (Latin: Acting in Place Of, epigraphy)
VAVictoria and Albert Order (British)
VaMaximum-Design Maneuvering Velocity
VAVentanas Alemanas (Guatemala)
VAVariant Armour (gaming)
VAFixed Wing, Heavier Than Air Aircraft, Attack (US Navy)
VAVermont American, Inc.
VAVixit Annos (Latin: He Lived (insert number) Years, epigraphy)
hahaha :)

yes, personal attacks and threats seem to be allowed on RIU.

but personally, it's just a showcase of all the small-dicked men on the forum...this is their 'thrill' in life.

to get rid of "people like me".

but, i'm not going anywhere.
i never personally attacked anyone in anyway so there's no reason for me to fret at all. :)

Weren't you just calling that slojo guy a faggot and saying you fucked his mother in a thread earlier today?

him and i were joking back and forth. there are a few members here who have gone well out of their way to make this personal. most of us clearly see it.

he called me the faggot. i banged his mom. :)
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