iws flood and drain help needed asap????


ayup guys need some advice?? i'm a little experienced now, well i like to think! i've been using wilma drip system for a while and it became very easy i was getting good results from them but have now moved to a iws flood and drain one 12 pot and one 6 pot. my cuttins were well developed and where in a small pot with coco in. coco was always what i used but have now swithced to clay pebbles. regarding nutrients i've kept them all the same basically using the same method as before. i started flooding every 2 hours but my plants started weeping like they were getting over fed so i've increased to every 3 hours 6 pot gets a 7 min flood and 12 pot a 14min flood on a 18 hour cycle so there getting prob 5 feeds a day. my plants look dry there going lighter some leaves are going yellow with little dry bits on!! not good
i'm stuck my ph is around 6 ands thats always been spot on for these. so today ive turned the feed off thinking maybe there just over fed. can anyone give me examples of feeds there doing durations etc cuz i'm struggling bad with this??? thanks guys​


Well-Known Member
Pull a pot right before next watering to check roots... 3 hours seems way long in between watering if you don't have a really well established root mass... Hydroton dries much faster than coco


on some plants the baskets they sit i have some roots showing? but others not quite. the thing is when the feed times are every 2 hours my plants start drooping like there over fed on 3 hours there a little better but still a litlle droopy so i've increased it to every 4 now as ive look at loads of sights and there saying 3-4hours or 3 floods per light cycle. i understand what your saying and thought the same. bare in mind there rooted in a slight bit of coco so it does hold a little water round the new roots. i need some ideas on fllood durations for a 6 pot and a 12 pot. and on inspection the pepples are still damp and so is the slight bit of coco so it cant be drying out??? any ideas guys