IYO: What's the optimum amount of wattages to have in a 48"x48"x80" mylar grow tent using LED lights?

This man is on point everyone saying 30wpsqf is off get me a led grow light that uses like 480watts(30wpsqf) that properly lights up a entyre 4x4 flowering footprint and I call bulls#!t and if you can I bet they lined the entire floor with mylar too trick the par meters! Cuz a plant canopy ain't 90% reflective!
Here is the par map for a 4 x 4 flowering footprint using 600watts of led lighting(37/38wpsqf)
In my opinion too properly light up a 4 x 4 flowering footprint you need atleast 600watts of led.
I see everyone is still replying in "watts", but fail to understand that even LEDs are all different in effiency. You can have a 600 watt led but if it's in efficient, a 400 watt led may have better results. Can we at least state what minimin micromoles per watt we are referring too. Like something at least at say, 1.75?
the ability to get a even 1200+umol canopy is the goal I think. You are going to have strains that will take to full amount. I’m finding my plants are liking the 800-1000umol range.

Lots of light companies are going to tell you a light will cover 4x4. But probably only average 500-600 umols. Then they will tell you it can veg a 6x6 at 300umols.

but that’s like drag racing a Prius in the 1/4mile.
only thing you are gonna win is the least amount of fuel used category.
the ability to get a even 1200+umol canopy is the goal I think. You are going to have strains that will take to full amount. I’m finding my plants are liking the 800-1000umol range.

Lots of light companies are going to tell you a light will cover 4x4. But probably only average 500-600 umols. Then they will tell you it can veg a 6x6 at 300umols.

but that’s like drag racing a Prius in the 1/4mile.
only thing you are gonna win is the least amount of fuel used category.
I used 1000umols per sq meter as in many studies it can be shown that above 800umols, without CO2 there is a diminshing return.

With 1000umols, that would allow for dimming as needed, or being able to run the boards at a greater distance for more uniform coverage.

A 4x4 is 16sq feet, a sq meter is 10.76 feet, so a 4x4 is almost exactly 1.5 sq meters.

1000 × 1.5 = 1500umols
800 x 1.5 = 1200 needed
Leaves a nice 20% tolerance for how they are used.