J*Dub's secret to excellent QWISO HASH OIL

Veterinarian supply stores and wholesale beauty supply stores are places to check as well. haven't seen 99% in Meijer's and such for a few years now.
Good process here. I have to say its not really secret though...
A lot of people use the same concepts of all your steps, some people even take it further.
Before you evaporate try putting your alcohol in the freezer and winterizing, also you could try filtering a couple more separate times to really get it clear before you evaporate.
Something I'd recommend to make it a little more aromatic would be to eliminate the heat at scraping. If.its just the powder you don't like, you can pile that powder up and press it like water hash. Its sticks to itself well and makes more of wax looking substance but in my experience it smells and tastes much better than when heat is applied.

These are just recommendations of things you could play around with and see what happens. I'd also take a look at skunkpharms page on.cleaning extracts. Pretty interesting and explained very well.
Awesome pain relief is my main purpose but we all love a good buzz too dont we. Im gonna go get stuff today and try it out.
What are thoughts on rosin techniques with abv is it worth trying or no just stick with qwiso also ive never seen isopropyl alcohol around here more than 91% does that make a difference?
I doubt you will get much from abv with rosin tech.

Yes, 99% ISO is important. Have you tried Safeway or the electronics store.

The OP is using 91% and his stuff looks pretty nice, I have only ever used 91% and am not an expert, but I believe it just takes longer to evap because of the extra H20 either way, gonna try some BHO this next time. And yes I pan to purge it on my gas stove next to a burning candle because I am a dumbass.
Hey y'all,

I just made my first (successful) batch of QWISO. It took me several different trials to get this right and I still have a lot of room to get better. I have been searching for a way to make a vape cartridge that comes close to what I've bought from Absolute Xtracks. I first started by just boiling down shake in a VG/PG mix which ended up very runny and not very potent. I think tried making rosin and then boiling that into EJ Mix which solved the potency and runny problems but holy shit... Making rosin takes a ton of work for very little yield. I didn't have the proper filters to get all the plant matter outeither which was problematic.

I finally ran across QWISO and not only did it seem much easier to make but I also assumed the alcohol would pull more THC out if the plant. I'm sure most of you aren't surprised that it worked like a charm.

I have just a couple of quick questions. First, I used about 28 grams of trim on this batch and on the next batch I'll use bud but I'm wondering if I'll need 28 grams of bud or if I could get the same potency out of far less weight because the bud has more THC, trichomes, terpes, etc than the trim. If that is the case, what do you think a good calculation is? A third of the trim I used? Half?

Secondly, I'm curious if I should break up the bud pretty fine, hand grind it in bigger chuncks, or not even break it up at all when I make my next batch.

Finally, some of the tutorials said that once all the visable liquid was gone to crank up the heat and continue to evaporate the little bit of alcohol that the eye cannot see. I planned on doing this step but by the time I couldn't see any more alcohol, my apartment really started to smell like cannabis and I was worried that I might vape away a lot of the potency so I made a gut call and took it off the heat and began collecting the concentrate (which was tougher than I thought it would be). Is there cause for concern that I'm now vaping small amounts of alcohol? I should say that I boiled the concentrate down with EJ Mix with a 1:1 ratio to get a high potency and I can't taste any alcohol at all but I know that doesn't necessarily mean it's not there.

Thanks in advance for your responses!!