Jack Herer ANd Flo!!!!!!


Active Member
:weed:Here are my plants six Jack Herer and six Dj short Flo!!!!! They sit in 3 gallon pots of ff ocean soil and ff full nutes including the extra three pack for flowering!!! I have them under a digital lumateck 1000 watt ballast, with the largest hood in the industry the xxxxL by sun systems and the super hps 1000 wat bulb!!! I also picked up an 8in inline fan that is directly hooked up to the hood then to the hole in the wall to vent out side. Im also useing a 6ft light rail with up to 60sec delay!!!! my room is 10x12x8 and all plants sit directly in the middle of the room in a planters tray to keep them out of the drain from watering. the temps stay at 75 deg with a humidity of 45%. Theres also two Osalating fans oone on each side of the tray, one facing below the plants and the other from above the plants. I have everything hooked up to a timer power stip. all fans stay on 24-7 to keep the same temps and humidity at all times. I also keep a ph level of 6.8 for watering. I got all of them from a medical club as clones and then veg for 30 days. the Flo got to be 25in to 36in and the Jack herer got to be 18-24in tall and bushy as hell. All Flo plants were pinched two twice and one Jack Herer was as well, that was done after week two of veg and showed two even three main b center branches before flower!!! Its only been one week of flowering and already seeing hairs all down the fast growing branches:hump:!!! Thanks to this site and everyone who has helped made this possible thank you !!1



Well-Known Member
Thats cool man. You should make a journal.

Edit: If you don't mind saying, which area of Cali you from? I ask cos i want to move there but not sure about which area would be best. Whats your area like for medical growers? Isit difficult to get into clubs?

Would completely understand if you don't want to say.


Active Member
Northern Cali and as long as you only grow the amount aloud by law it's very easy. Then all you need is $


Well-Known Member
Do they check on you? Like if you wanted to grow more plants would it be better not to get a card?


Active Member
I got 12 clones. That's because my wife has hers too. I'm alowed to grow 12 imature or 6 mature. And she having a bit more can grow 10 mature plants. The thing is when you see the weed dr you want to tell him/ her that you eat canibis and it takes alot. That's how you get the max amount. I didn't know this till after I already got mine. Then you have to renew every year and that cost 125$. Does that help. Check out. Weedmaps.com. It's all the info you'll need


Active Member
It's always better to stay legal. Let's not give the goverment any reason to not end this probition on weed. I can grow between my wife and self. 16 plants at any size. We can Cary 3.5 lb of dried canibis so why would I want to brake the law? Somthing also to consider is each county has there limit as well. You call the local health dep. And they'll tell you the local aloud amount ours is 12 plants so eventhough our scripts say 16 plant between the two of us were only growing 12. Stay legal;-) hope that helps


Well-Known Member
I got 12 clones. That's because my wife has hers too. I'm alowed to grow 12 imature or 6 mature. And she having a bit more can grow 10 mature plants. The thing is when you see the weed dr you want to tell him/ her that you eat canibis and it takes alot. That's how you get the max amount. I didn't know this till after I already got mine. Then you have to renew every year and that cost 125$. Does that help. Check out. Weedmaps.com. It's all the info you'll need
Yeah that helps a lot dude thanks.