Jack Herer from Gaylord

stopped by the Gaylord dispensary and picked up an O of jack Herer and some new pieces.
It is giving me a feeling in my stomach like the top of a roller coaster or going fast over a hill, losing your stomach. I havent finished a bowl and I am good to go, ready to eat a horse or my wife, whichever is easier.

This is my first try with JH, so what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Some Sativa's does this to me as well, I end up hitting it again then take the dog for a long walk!
it hitin levels, I plateaued at 3 bowls, smoked myself sober, pretty clear thought or so it seemed. took the dog in the field, i just had to go. i smoked 2 more after 30 minutes or so and made it home to eat again and go to sleep. i havent been that high in some time but i am trying ;-)


Well-Known Member
I picked some up in Lansing couple weeks ago.
I really enjoyed all aspects of these meds.
B4 I knew it, I had the stuff in my garage out to the curb that
has set there nearly 2 years. Cupboards, drawers and all nooks
n crannies were organized, among a bunch of other stuff I've put
off for too long. Dog walking was def among the activities.
Said dog has requested I get more Jack Herer... and I aim to
please my pup :bigjoint:
true story.

we are on the 2nd night camping, have the fire going and starting to grind a new batch, had the bud in hand starting to break it up and I stop and thought, "give some to the universe" and "give some in memory of JH" so i threw some in the fire with good thoughts.

I opened the bud to break it down further and a 'CLINK', a seed fell out into the glass. I about shit my drawers. its in the cupboard with a few others waiting for my current batch to get closer to completion.

karma, man. Its there.
WTF Jesus - Did you smoke to much Jack and break your head ? That photo looks like a bottle wound up broken over your skull man
Sorry to hear that man . I seriously thought you might have been in a wreck or accident of the sort recently .. Ever try using canna and coco oil as a topical ? Uncle Bills No Nonsense medicine as its known now .. Very healing and easy as pie to make too