Jacks 321 vs Masterblend/Calnit/Epsom salt analysis


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but your reply is very hard to follow.
Download a program called 'hydrobuddy' and play with that some. It won't give you the same numbers as a meter, just elemental numbers. But it may help you better understand what you're working with.


Well-Known Member
Here is a side-by-side between MB and Jacks. I don't see a a big difference, just that Jacks formula has tons more mg and sulfer.

Masterblend: MB 2.4g, Calnit 2.4g, Epsom 1.2g
Jacks: Jacks 3.6g, Calnit 2.4g, Epsom 1.1g
Check the jacks site for the most recent formulation. Last I checked, it was 3.79-2.52-0.99.

I’ve used it without the Epsom with Gorilla Glue auto but one other strain seemed to do better with it.
Hi all, I've been using MB for a few grows now. Something that I can't quite grasp is the actual NPK. I assumed just add all 3 together to get a final NPK of 19.5-18-38, which seems crazy high.

After speaking to 2 MB reps on the phone recently, they both said the NPK is actually half of that because when you add in all three elements it changes the dilution or something and that it is measured by weight. So the actual npk after mixing the Epson and calcium is more like 10-9-19.

Can anyone explain this logic to me?


Well-Known Member
You need to divide the weight of each element by the total weight of the salts used.
A ballpark mix for a 55gal barrel would be 100-100-50.
Total weight in grams for each is 19.5N-18P-38K-19Ca-5Mg-6.5S.
Divide all elements by 250 for NPK and percentages of the salt mix.
8-7-15 7.5Ca 2Mg 2.5S