Jacks (JR Peters) nutrients

Hmm. Fucking internets made a liar out of me lol

Notice the date? I did that for maybe a run or two, then ditched the approach in favor of just diluting the nutes I was already using.

I think that's when I learned to NEVER put sugar in an RDWC, LOL
Haha no biggie man,i've been reading up on all of jacks nutes threads and remembered reading about you using the epsom/sugar,and ya i know it was years ago thats why i wanted to pick your brains ,because nothing was mentioned about it since.

I am getting ready to chop and was wondering whether i should use a sweetner to flush my coco,or just plain water.The sulfur is epsom salt made it enticing for using it for flush,but yeah dont wonna screw up my harvest.It's my first run with jacks using 2.25 ,and 1.5 cal nit in tap water.I cut out the calnit for the last 2 wks before harvest,and just wanted to know what other jack pros were using before flush...

EDIT:forgot to ask how much do you dilute your nutes?.
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Haha no biggie man,i've been reading up on all of jacks nutes threads and remembered reading about you using the epsom/sugar,and ya i know it was years ago thats why i wanted to pick your brains ,because nothing was mentioned about it since.

I am getting ready to chop and was wondering whether i should use a sweetner to flush my coco,or just plain water.The sulfur is epsom salt made it enticing for using it for flush,but yeah dont wonna screw up my harvest.It's my first run with jacks using 2.25 ,and 1.5 cal nit in tap water.I cut out the calnit for the last 2 wks before harvest,and just wanted to know what other jack pros were using before flush...

EDIT:forgot to ask how much do you dilute your nutes?.
I run mine around EC 2.0 in peak bloom, then water for the last few days- but I'm not in RDWC anymore and I can get away with that.
does anyone else have a problem with lower leaves dropping off when adding extra epson salt? im about six and a half weeks into flower in dwc with jacks and anytime i add more than fifty ppms of epson lower leaves start dropping off
I currently run a modified Hempy bucket system, and in my opinion drain to waste is as easy and fool-proof as it gets when it comes to indoor growing. By modified I mean that I still use the coco/perlite mix, but I add about 20-25% organic matter which can include soil, promix, worm castings, mulch etc.

I started doing this in order to add some organic matter so as to provide a better environment for the bennies which I innoculate with, and this also helps retain moisture/nutrients (which = slightly fewer feedings). I also find that it still maintains the benefits of it being easier to flush than straight soil as well as being quicker to respond to changes in nutrient solutions (than straight soil).

So if you're planning on switching to a similar system, I'd say sure, go ahead and transplant your 1 gal soil pots into 5 gal Hempy buckets, you should be fine. Btw, not sure if you are actually using the Hempy system, or just buckets of coco/perlite mix?

Sorry OT but am using jacks...
I was not sure what to do but decide to go with hempy bucket setup per your post.
Making them now. Just doing perlite at bottom with coco above like this:

I may need to do a perlite/coco mix above or just wait and get more coco as does not seem i will have enough for 13 buckets.

Should i mix or no?

Edit, think im going to pull that one back out and go with mix half way up like this:


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So I just realized that the guy sold me Canna Terra not Coco. I already used two bags on 8 buckets. Not sure how well Terra will work in hempy buckets as it is 50/50 peat moss/coco (edit, no 3% coco per shop no 12% per other shop /edit). It is also "pre charged so I wont feed for a week. Will it work ok with jacks?

I have 5 left to transplant to hempy buckets so I will do those in Coco and see which works better. Just making the buckets the coco breaks up easier and seems less spongy.

The Terra is not bad so will keep the bag and can always just use as starter mix..
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So well water is showing EC 0.5 or 280-300ppm on 500 scale. PH 6.. May need to start filtering or RO or something idk. Maybe get tested again for exactly whats in it making it so hard.

For now figure add 1/4 teaspoon per gallon cutrus and increase as i go. Feel i should start closer to 1/2 teespoon but idk as may have been using too much before.

PH with 1/4 teaspoon/gal jacks is 6.6 and ec .8 or 400ppm.
Assume lower ph to ~5.8-6 and good?

I did not calibrate BL meter yet but assuming its close. However, I should probably do that as my water test shows ph 7.1 although that was out of spigot before going thru this filter thing. I do not add salt to filter but it backwashes all the time. Im about to just bypass the thing. Seems useless and assume it would need regular services to work right.


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So well water is showing EC 0.5 or 280-300ppm on 500 scale. PH 6.. May need to start filtering or RO or something idk. Maybe get tested again for exactly whats in it making it so hard.

For now figure add 1/4 teaspoon per gallon cutrus and increase as i go. Feel i should start closer to 1/2 teespoon but idk as may have been using too much before.

PH with 1/4 teaspoon/gal jacks is 6.6 and ec .8 or 400ppm.
Assume lower ph to ~5.8-6 and good?

I did not calibrate BL meter yet but assuming its close. However, I should probably do that as my water test shows ph 7.1 although that was out of spigot before going thru this filter thing. I do not add salt to filter but it backwashes all the time. Im about to just bypass the thing. Seems useless and assume it would need regular services to work right.
Yeah if you're softener back flushes with solar salt, then you do NOT want to use that on your plants, there's always a bit of salt in the water (may be some softeners that don't but not to my knowledge, and I used to install them ages ago ;?).

Probably your outside spigots should be on a loop before the filter system, so you could schlep it in that way, or if you're handy at plumbing, just buy one of those tap systems for a refrigerator ice maker, then string the tube to your grow area, which is what I did.

I actually installed a three-part filter system first, ran the tap water through it and, because it was such a small line (took way long to fill my twenty gallon feeder tank), I converted a 30 gal heavy duty tote into a holding tank, atached a hose spigot and installed a toilet float shut-off valve so it refills itself without having to monitor it.

Also that pH of 7.1 sounds pretty much like mine which runs around 7.3, but calibrating solution is good for peace of mind and will save you the trouble of fixing a problem because your solution's pH was way off.
I make a stock solution with the hydroponic mix as a matter of necessity; trying to mix up only enough for one batch at a time leads to problems. The mix is not homogeneous and so some scoops might have too much iron or some such. Making a 100:1 stock solution in a large enough quantity to last a couple of weeks smooths this out.

To do it, simply use 1% of the water you would use for a given amount of mix. To aid in dissolving it, use hot water.

Don't try to make a complete one part mix; you'll end up with flocculation problems. Besides, mixing up single compounds like calcium nitrate isn't difficult.
Thank you Ttystikk, I'll give that a try. And yeah, I'm just looking to make stock solutions for each part and then mix when needed, I've learned my lesson about trying to premix concentrated solutions, lol, lesson learned ;?D
880 grams of jacks
580 grams of cal-nit
Each into 1 gal distilled or RO water.
I boil the gal of distilled water to warm temp,pour some of it in a separate jug,add some jacks ,shake the shit out of it,and repeat.
Thanks Hookah, so how much of the concentrated Part 1 solution do you add to a gallon of water when you're mixing up a feeding solution? And do you follow the exact 3:2:1 ratio? I watched a video by a well-known grower (his name slips my mind at the moment) and in it he briefly mentions that his experience has led him to slightly alter the ratios (may be strain specific) but he didn't go into further detail, at least not in that vid.
Yeah if you're softener back flushes with solar salt, then you do NOT want to use that on your plants, there's always a bit of salt in the water (may be some softeners that don't but not to my knowledge, and I used to install them ages ago ;?).

Probably your outside spigots should be on a loop before the filter system, so you could schlep it in that way, or if you're handy at plumbing, just buy one of those tap systems for a refrigerator ice maker, then string the tube to your grow area, which is what I did.

I actually installed a three-part filter system first, ran the tap water through it and, because it was such a small line (took way long to fill my twenty gallon feeder tank), I converted a 30 gal heavy duty tote into a holding tank, atached a hose spigot and installed a toilet float shut-off valve so it refills itself without having to monitor it.

Also that pH of 7.1 sounds pretty much like mine which runs around 7.3, but calibrating solution is good for peace of mind and will save you the trouble of fixing a problem because your solution's pH was way off.

As i said i dont add salt to it and have no idea how to even open it but may just bypass as valves are there to so. Either way i feel i need to address water soon as maybe issues are too much cal that then locks out potassium? All a bit over my head beeing newb.
edit, pre filter water ph 6.9 to 7.0, EC 0.5 or 290ppm on 500 scale. So it does nothing but waste water, electricity and flood my yard.

I calibrated and was still ph 6.7 in gallon jug prior to adding jacks but get 6.9 after testing in a cup so again seems filter does nothing.

On batch i was making I added a few drops of ph down to gallon of mix and got ph 3.3. Idk how that was possible but that is what meter said over and over so dumped it.

Made another gallon again with ~1/4 teaspoon jacks citrus. Added a bit more to get EC 410. Should i shoot for higher EC? Or ok?. PH 5.8/5.9. So finally made a gallon corectly. Need more practice.


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Thanks Hookah, so how much of the concentrated Part 1 solution do you add to a gallon of water when you're mixing up a feeding solution? And do you follow the exact 3:2:1 ratio? I watched a video by a well-known grower (his name slips my mind at the moment) and in it he briefly mentions that his experience has led him to slightly alter the ratios (may be strain specific) but he didn't go into further detail, at least not in that vid.
Sorry.forgot to mention its 10 ml per gal each all the way to flush.I don't use any Epsom salts since my tap comes in @150 ppm and has some magnesium in it,so does jacks.I believe you can make an epsom salt formula also, it's somewhere online,i'll try to find it for you.
As i said i dont add salt to it and have no idea how to even open it but may just bypass as valves are there to so. Either way i feel i need to address water soon as maybe issues are too much cal that then locks out potassium? All a bit over my head beeing newb.
edit, pre filter water ph 6.9 to 7.0, EC 0.5 or 290ppm on 500 scale. So it does nothing but waste water, electricity and flood my yard.

I calibrated and was still ph 6.7 in gallon jug prior to adding jacks but get 6.9 after testing in a cup so again seems filter does nothing.

On batch i was making I added a few drops of ph down to gallon of mix and got ph 3.3. Idk how that was possible but that is what meter said over and over so dumped it.

Made another gallon again with ~1/4 teaspoon jacks citrus. Added a bit more to get EC 410. Should i shoot for higher EC? Or ok?. PH 5.8/5.9. So finally made a gallon corectly. Need more practice.
Ahh, I see, so do you mean that your softener doesn't use salt, or that you just aren't adding any? Cuz if you're not adding the salt then I think that it isn't actually working, and if it's just wasting water flushing itself, then by all means you should just bypass it (if set up correctly there should be a couple of valves that will allow that).

Also, when it comes to straight tap water, it doesn't take more than a drop or two of pH adjuster to make a BIG change, but once you start adding nutes, then it takes a lot more - the best way to understand it is that despite the existing ppm, unless it's through the roof, you can think of it as being empty. Then adding nutes so that your ppm is say 1200 ppm, now your dealing with a lot more stuff in there that will "resist" efforts to change states, so it takes more to move the meter (not scientific, lol, just how I think of it).

So if your tap water is at 290 ppm, that's pretty hard and could use some filtering. If you manage to bypass the softener, you can pick up a three part filter at say Home Despot or Lows for pretty cheap and try to get that down into the mid to low double digits. And unless there's a specific mineral in over-abundance in your area, I wouldn't worry about what's in there, it shouldn't make a big difference imo. ALthough it is good that you're paying attention to detail, sometimes it's best to just focus on the fundamentals and get to growing, cuz you'll learn a lot more as you go and steadily dial in whatever system/style you prefer. Iow, don't sweat the small stuff, you can't expect perfection overnight, or as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day ;?)
I'm just gonna toss mine in here and say I roll the 5-11-26 back incrementally and up to half at mid flower through finish. The N just seems to be too much at full strength all the way and inhibits swell, plus Ca buffers in coco but if needed I go with calcium chloride.

So by week 6/7 i'm at 5ml/gal of the cal-nit.

I picked up the Peters variety 5-11-26 which has half the quantity of Mg in it than Jack's brand, so my stock solution for mag sulfate makes up for it. 189g/quart gives 50ppm Mg + 66ppm S at 5ml/gal.

I run my own stocks for MAP, MKP, K-sil, fulvic, kelp too, giving me plenty of articulation over the nute profile / supplements.

Its not perfect and a work in progress but i'm pretty happy. So is my wallet.
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i use jack's tomato feED for my ladies. i'm doing a coco soil with added
kelp/alfalfa/bone meal and mineral supplementation. i dilute my tap water
down to ~100ppm, then add 3 grams per gallon tomato feED and 1/4 tsp
per gallon epsom salt. crushing it with COBs, significantly over a gram per
watt since i made the switch from botanicare to jack's.

i use jack's tomato feED for my ladies. i'm doing a coco soil with added
kelp/alfalfa/bone meal and mineral supplementation. i dilute my tap water
down to ~100ppm, then add 3 grams per gallon tomato feED and 1/4 tsp
per gallon epsom salt. crushing it with COBs, significantly over a gram per
watt since i made the switch from botanicare to jack's.

I've told people for years that if it's good enough for tomatoes it will work for weed.

Even miracle grow, although this is without a doubt better than that.
Jacks 321 formula designed for low ppm water source? Just bought veg + bloom hard water dry nutrients. Label says tap water shouldn't be over an EC of .7. Look likes my tap is coming out at .9. My girls are deficient in calcium. Most people I've come across use distilled water with jacks 321 formula. Any sugestions? I really don't want to buy a water system.
your tap is accumulating limestone in the medium and forcing the pH up,
calcium is being locked out as a result.

IMO the best options would be adding distilled or rainwater to adjust EC

in my experience a tap water ppm of 120-130 is the absolute highest i could
go without calcium problems.

oh, i forgot pictures, everyone loves pictures!

here's the full story on the jack's tomato feED label


king louis og



mixed strain shot of larry og, the white, west coast sour D, and critical hulk x afghani
