Jack's RO question


Well-Known Member
Jack's RO is 12-4-16. The gh maxibloom that I've been using for years is 5-15-14. There's quite a difference here. I wanted to try the jack's ro but not sure after comparing the %'s. Is the jack's mostly for veg. only? Hell, some people use maxibloom for veg. and flower all the way with good results.


Well-Known Member
Jack's RO is 12-4-16. The gh maxibloom that I've been using for years is 5-15-14. There's quite a difference here. I wanted to try the jack's ro but not sure after comparing the %'s. Is the jack's mostly for veg. only? Hell, some people use maxibloom for veg. and flower all the way with good results.
Actually, look up the NPK for Megacrop 1 part or Dyna Gro Foliage Pro-they aren't far off from those Jack's #s. The idea that you need super low levels of nitrogen in flower is outdated.